Qustions abouy EEOC hearing

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I have an upcomming settlement meeting with my old employer an EEOC for July 24th, My question is what can I ask for as part of the settlement. I'm being told so many different answers. I want to ask for 2yrs of employment plus 1yr of employment from a job that i lost due to my old manger not giving me a good job reference. I was fired because i told my manger on April 17,2006 that i felt uncomfortable around a new employee. This new employee was making sexual comments to me and to other employees. One other employee said something to the manger but still has his job. I lost my job the next day less then 24hrs after meeting with my manger. I filed a calm with EEOC and the employer wants to meet with me on July 24,2006 to make me an offer. I want what is right and I don't want to over or under estimate my request.
Can you please help me. I really need some answers. Thank You for your time in this matter.

Kerry Sullivan
720 226-6797
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