racial descrimination

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i was terminated from my job. i called in at 630am and told my boss i couldnt come in to work becasue my pregnant wife was having some issues and i had to take her to the emergeny room. he said it was totally fine and said i could take the day off. the next day he fired me. he said it was becasue i had forgot acouple of things on some cars and they had come back, there was no damage to the car just some sensor that went off that they had to reset also i forgot to put some stuff in the computer. i work at a lube shop. i did not forget to charge them for these items i just forgot to put it in the computer. i have never no/show no/call and i was late on one occasion by two minute. traffic. i am also hispanic.

"name" and "name" both were responsible for leaving the hood latch off on a vehicle, the vehicle drove down the high way and the hood came up and smashed the front window , the moon roof and bent the hood. We get monthly bonuses for keeping a certain ticket average, but when employees cost the company money for mistakes that they do. It comes out of the monthly bonus. There was no bonus for two months because of this. Neither "name" the Assistant Manager nor "name" were disciplined other than being kicked off that months bonus. they are both white

"name" wrote up "name" because he was drunk and being aggressive towards the customers and fellow employees, he was not terminated. He shows up with alcohol on his breath so they make him work underneath the cars so he doesn't have to interact with customers. he is white

"name" got caught drinking in the locker room, he was not terminated, he was later terminated because he showed up after his work shift was over drunk and punched a hole thru one of the windows. he is white

"name" got a new girlfriend and stated to be late , he was late two consecutive days in a row, he was given a warning he was not terminated, then a couple days later he just stopped coming to work so he was terminated. he was white

"name" another employee at __________ forgot to put back a final drive check plug and as a result other employees had to drive to the customers home and replace the plug and re fill it with fluid. He was kicked off the bonus but there was no other consequences. he is white

"name" was a no/show no/call for three days two of which I was called in early to cover his shift. He was never terminated for his absences . It was after the 4th or 5th no show no call that he was fired and the assistant manager said he would not have been fired if he would have showed up and begged for this job. he is white

"name" was late to work because his truck would not start in the morning, he was late on another occasion. he was not terminated. He was given a warning. he is white

"name" did no/show no/call and was not terminated. He later was terminated for another incident. He got arrested and was unable to show up to work. he is white.

"name"the assistant manager, "name"and "name" smoke marijuana in the managers office and in the locker room almost on a daily basis. The manager knows about this and not one of them has been terminated. THEY ARE ALL WHITE

"name" drinks on the job has gotten caught and is still employed with "", on the day I was terminated I told the manager about all the drugs and drinking and how it was unfair to fire me but not them and the assistant manager "name" told the manager "name" that "yes "name" had been drinking on the weekends when he was not there." HE IS WHITE.

At a business meeting we have every month, "name" was late and he was not terminated. At this same business meeting the manager "name" said the two new guys were here to replace "some one". these two new employees are white.
I was with the company for almost 8months in that time they hired 5 or six new employees non of which are female or of any other race than white.

"name" has a "white power" tattoo on this back.
"name" makes racist remarks all the time and told "" that he couldn't wait for them to fire that "beaner"
"name" always makes reference to how his house is dirty and I should call my mom because I'm Mexican and my mom probably cleans houses.

I have witnesses that all these things have happened, former employees and current employees that can testify that the above people have done the things. And that they were not terminated.
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What you need to prove is that you were terminated due to race, not that the white guys weren't terminated due to race. This is difficult to do, but I think you have a good bit of evidence here to at least give it a try. Talk to an employment attorney in your area. The consultation is usually free, tell him or her exactly what happened, and they will be able to tell you whether you have a good shot at fighting this. Good luck.
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