Arrest, Search, Seizure, Warrant raided wrong house

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I think I may have a case here. Yesterday my fiancée was sitting home watching the kids and a friend of his stopped over. Within seconds there were 15 cop cars and numerous unmarked cars surrounding my house. They immediately came to the door and threatened to kick the door down. My fiancée opened the door as the police were in the process of kicking and the cop stumbled in the door. The cops had guns drone telling my fiancée to hold his hands up, which he could not since he was holding my newborn son. They also had a gun pointing at my dog which they threatened to shot because she was growling. The whole time my daughter 2 was watching and crying by her dad's side. They arrested my fiancées friend and locked my boyfriend in the bathroom while they ran sacked the house of course finding nothing. They left shortly after leaving my fiancée and the kids wondering what our friend had done. That night our friend was released and was told that they had the wrong man!?!?!? The next day the neighbor came over who is friends with one of the cops in the neighborhood and he said that they even admitted to him the go the wrong guy ...."wrong house". The house they were looking for was the same house number but wrong street. Now my daughter has nightmares. Does this sound like a case to you?
Yikes, you bet it sounds like a case. We had such a case lately in NYC where the people finally settled with the city for a huge amount of money

You should go to an attorney and talk this through with him.
It sounds like there is a case but don't expect a windfall since the damages are not as severe as they may seem while the ordeal is still fresh. As NYClex said, you should probably speak to a lawyer about this.

Originally posted by usroch
I think I may have a case here. Yesterday my fiancée was sitting home watching the kids and a friend of his stopped over. Within seconds there were 15 cop cars and numerous unmarked cars surrounding my house. They immediately came to the door and threatened to kick the door down. My fiancée opened the door as the police were in the process of kicking and the cop stumbled in the door. The cops had guns drone telling my fiancée to hold his hands up, which he could not since he was holding my newborn son. They also had a gun pointing at my dog which they threatened to shot because she was growling. The whole time my daughter 2 was watching and crying by her dad's side. They arrested my fiancées friend and locked my boyfriend in the bathroom while they ran sacked the house of course finding nothing. They left shortly after leaving my fiancée and the kids wondering what our friend had done. That night our friend was released and was told that they had the wrong man!?!?!? The next day the neighbor came over who is friends with one of the cops in the neighborhood and he said that they even admitted to him the go the wrong guy ...."wrong house". The house they were looking for was the same house number but wrong street. Now my daughter has nightmares. Does this sound like a case to you?
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