
I've seen too damn many cases like this one.
Male or female, sometimes both discard the child as an inconvenience.
Grandparent, aunt, uncle, or godparent takes the child in, secures custody, pays for the kid's upbringing in money and sweat, and kid comes into a little money.
When I say little, one kid inherited $2,500 from his mom's insurance policy.
Love offerings at her funeral raked in another $1,000.
No good male reappears because someone told him the kid had hit it big.
Big nasty fight ensues, just like yours OP.
Within three days the money was blown on dope, and male got robbed and beaten up for the remaining $200.
Grandmother takes the child in, because the deadbeat was off to find the dragon.
Anyway, grandmother never heard from the deadbeat again.
Kid grew up, went away to the Army, got his degree, and is a high school teacher, married with two kids of his own.

My sister did what you're doing, OP for her ungrateful, greedy, addict daughter.

I hope things work out for you, and be prepared for the kid to be dropped off after they burn through his little puddle of money.
That's what I'm afraid of. And " dad" is saying I kept him away. For close to 11 yrs come on now.. It's making me physically sick. I'm a nervous wreck my son is a wreck . thank you for your reply
army judge,
I just wanted to thank you again .I guess in my mind, people will get the idea of the type of person I am , by bits and pieces of my story . I only wish it were as simple. I am not bragging on myself at all...I'm just a woman who was dropped off in 1973 at my grandparents home , along with my two younger sisters and our parents were on their way to the grocery store and back .
Well something happend. Mommy dearest and darling daddy never came back
My grandparents (darling dads) parents were in their fiftes, as am I. They deserved gold medals . three little girls nobody wanted except them.
I remember when in school kids would ask " why is your mom and dad order than ours" we got made fun of and laughed at.
These days it's commonplace for , as you have already stated grandparents,aunts uncle's etc.to take on the role of primary care givers .
The reason this guy makes me so mad , is the fact that he is nothing but a liar. He and his wife. They are mentally and emotionally abusive to my son . and have threatened him into saying what they tell him. And it's getting worse. He( adjudicated dad) told my son that if he as so much spoke of what goes on in his home,that My son would go into foster care. The GAL told my son I didn't deserve to be his mom she has never spoke with me or tried to meet with me. She has no idea where my home or land is. I'm just worried sick and I tend to ramble . as I'm doing now.
All I intended to do was thank you again . I really appreciate your response. And you didn't insult me once Thank you army judge ! May you always be blessed !
Had court today. The adjudicated dad was attempting to prove that my son shouldn't be dependent on the state
Couldn't agree more. My son has a family . mom, dad brother and all.
He wanted primary custody. Didn't happen . nothing has changed from before.
My son however , finally opened up to the young woman who supervises our visits and the things he told her made me sick to My stomach
11 months into this so called safety plan and what I've known in my heart all along , has been 100..
Court again may 8 .
Had court today. The adjudicated dad was attempting to prove that my son shouldn't be dependent on the state
Couldn't agree more. My son has a family . mom, dad brother and all.
He wanted primary custody. Didn't happen . nothing has changed from before.
My son however , finally opened up to the young woman who supervises our visits and the things he told her made me sick to My stomach
11 months into this so called safety plan and what I've known in my heart all along , has been 100..
Court again may 8 .

Hang in there, don't allow the process to beat you down or shoo you away.
That's one of their many tricks, wear people down, discourage them, shoo them away.
Eventually TRUTH wants to be known.
TRUTH has a story, the real story to tell, and if you persist, TRUTH will be heard.
Good luck.
My son told dhr all about the abuse at adjudicated dads house .....and after she promised him he wouldn't have to go back . they are making him go anyway
Thank you..I'm worried to death. My son told dhr all that has been going on and about being slammed against the wall by him and wife and she left my son down there
Thank you..I'm worried to death. My son told dhr all that has been going on and about being slammed against the wall by him and wife and she left my son down there

The kid has moxie, good for him.
Kids often surprise us.
Yours did, at a very opportune time, too.
She took him back Army Judge.
She forced him back into the hands of his abusers
She stepwitch told my son" I will pull you out of school and homeschool you and you won't ever talk to anyone again. And you can forget about your mom grandma whatever the hell she is". They've been doing this type thing with my baby for 11 mo now . I sent a long email to montgomery though. I'm just worried. My baby didn't call me last night and I sent a text to the witches phone. Dhr was suppose to send a deputy over to do a well child check. I'm about to find out if they went .
I have tried everything I know of legally. I've emailed everyone from the governor to the president..
What if I just go get my son ?
My attorney hasn't responded.
Dhr let my child down .
I have tried everything I know of legally. I've emailed everyone from the governor to the president..
What if I just go get my son ?
My attorney hasn't responded.
Dhr let my child down .

If you try something without a court order, you'll only manufacture more problems for everyone.

The best thing to do is keep reporting things and wait.

These things take time, too much time it seems, but patience is a virtue.
Thank you ! It seems like the commercials you see or use to see..." if you feel your being abused , or if you feel like someone has done something to you they shouldn't have...find an adult ...a teacher ,police , the ones you would believe you can trust.
You can't trust anyone. As a matter of fact ,I dont recall seeing them in a while ..
My son was put in a safety plan because it was said he was somewhere he wasn't..so the kidnappers went to My sister in laws and took him...l
But out of my sons own mouth , he told them " I'm being hurt and had rather be dead than go back . and the rotten b@@tards made him??? How dang .. How f up ..
Army judge. .my ex husband ..the only daddy our son has ever known. He wasn't even around when all this happend , and he has custody as well..
What if he got our son instead of me . would it still carry negative consequences
Army judge. .my ex husband ..the only daddy our son has ever known. He wasn't even around when all this happend , and he has custody as well..
What if he got our son instead of me . would it still carry negative consequences

Is his custody order still valid?
If it is, I think that what child services has done would also impact him.
Before he does anything, he should see an attorney and seek proper legal guidance.
I'm trying to wait ..the cards so to speak appear to be stacked against me . I'm afraid and physically sick , after my son told me all that. And then was lied to and made to return to those abusers. I'm just stressed mentally , emotionally ...my son actually said" I'd rather be dead or in foster care mom" I'm tired
I'm trying to wait ..the cards so to speak appear to be stacked against me . I'm afraid and physically sick , after my son told me all that. And then was lied to and made to return to those abusers. I'm just stressed mentally , emotionally ...my son actually said" I'd rather be dead or in foster care mom" I'm tired

You can also visit the prosecutor, tell him/her your story, and ask for someone to investigate and protect the child.
I will . I'm going to have to do everything I can
Thank you Armyjudge for all of your replies, and being kind. I've encountered people that were very intelligent but terribly rude and condescending.
I,as you know by now, am not one of the smart ones .You,on the other hand are... Also very kind and I sure appreciate it
I Will let you know how it goes :)
I will . I'm going to have to do everything I can
Thank you Armyjudge for all of your replies, and being kind. I've encountered people that were very intelligent but terribly rude and condescending.
I,as you know by now, am not one of the smart ones .You,on the other hand are... Also very kind and I sure appreciate it
I Will let you know how it goes :)

We all have a brain.
No human being is smarter than another human being.
All anyone knows is because someone else took the time to teach, and we made the effort to learn.

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