Reasonable causes for search?

Damion King

New Member
I'm a 16 year old student in a public high school and I've been searched twice for what I believe are pretty bogus reasons. The first time I was searched was more reasonable I suppose but they pulled me out of class because in my 2nd hour i went to the bathroom and someone else was smoking in that bathroom during the same hour. The second time I was searched was because I was asleep in class and my teacher claimed I was on drugs so they said they had "reasonable cause" but I don't believe that's very reasonable.

I don't know if people do this on here but TLDR: I was searched for going to the bathroom after someone smoked in it and I was searched for sleeping in class.

Also neither of these times was there a police officer present nor did they call my parents before or after the search.
I did some internet research (something you should have easily been able to do) and came to the conclusion that the searches were reasonable according to court case history.

I'm providing you with the references:

Search and Seizure in Schools

Student searches and the Fourth Amendment

The Right to Search Students - Educational Leadership

And, no, they don't need a police officer and they don't need to call your parents.
Schools and searches have little to do with Walmart and searches.

Schools are an exception to many areas of the law, especially searches.

School officials need not have probable cause to search anyone on their campuses.

There are many reasons, which I am too lazy to list.

If you're curious, an internet search will offer you a smorgassbord of answers.

One has to do with protecting children, another loco parentis, another public policy.
But you thought it was reasonable to be asleep in class?

See, kid, I think that goes a long way towards showing that your definition of "reasonable" isn't always up to speed.

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