Reclassification of Residency

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I would like to attend a local college in TX. I need to be a 1 year resident in order to qualify for in-state- tuition...As of today(10/26/10) I have been a TX resident for more than a year...The college will not accept my TX drivers Lic. as proof of my residence...I was told by the Admissions Clerk that my drivers lic. will only work as proof if it has an expiration date of 10/26/2014.. On my drivers lic.. it shows that it will expire on 8/18/2015...I don't understand why this matters?????To the left of the Lic... it shows a Issue date..(the day i became a resident of TX) that day shows 9/2/2009...I'm a resident of Texas...I cant afford out of state tuition...All i need to show is that I have been in the state of TX for more than a year...My drivers lic. shows this..The school wii not accept this for whatever reason.... I cant show any other proof that i have been a resident as I'm not working, i don't have my own home ETC.

Reclassification of Residency Status Form:

Part B(student MUST provide at least ONE of the following supporting Doc.

1. A TX drivers lic or TX ID card with a expiration date of not more than four years.

I see nothing in the Texas Constitution and Statutes nor the Texas higher Education Coordinating Board that states that I need to show the Expiration date of my Lic. SECTION 54.060, 54.053,135.52, 135.53, 54.052.

My concern is How can I become a in-state-tuition student when I'm being told that this is not possible because of a rule that TSTC has put in effect....(unconstitutional) ???????? How many other student has TSTC done this too...the millions of dollars gained by inaccurate information......??????????
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I would like to attend a local college in tx. I need to be a 1 year resident in order to qualify for in-state- tuition...As of today(10/26/10) I have been a TX resident for more than a year...The college will not accept my TX drivers Lic. as proof of my residence...I was told by the Admissions Cleark that my drivers lic. will only work as proof if it has an experation date of 10/26/2014.. On my driverss lic.. it shows that it will expire on 8/18/2015...I dont understand why this matters?????To the left of the Lic... it shows a Issue date..(the day i became a resident of TX) that day shows 9/2/2009...Im a resident of texas...I cant afford out of state tuition...All i need to show is that i have been in the state of TX for more than a year...My drivers lic. shows this..The school wii not accept this for whatever reason.... I cant show any other proof that i have been a resident as im not workin, i dont have my own home ETC.
Part B(student MUST provide at least ONE of the following supporting Doc.

1. A TX drivers lic or TX ID card with a expiration date of not more than four years.

A license could be obtained in a state even if you dont live there. example giving address of someone you know and getting mail there to "show" you live there. Is there any other way to show you have been living in texas? any mail, bank account info etc? What are the documents the college will accept as proof?
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