Criminal Records, Expungement Record Exponged

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I am in need of advice on how to go about getting my record exponged. I have a criminal record due to stupidity on my part..with this hanging over my head. It is extremely difficult to find a job because of this...please help!!!
What state are you in?

What crime did you commit?
I was also going to post the same type of question. I broke into a car in 2003 and stole a cd player. I was facing a c felony in Indiana. The public defender got me a plea bargain for a D felony. I had no prior record up to this point. The judge sentenced me to no jail time, a year probation and pay $450 in restitution.

The restitution was paid immediately and they let me off probation 5 months early due to the immediate payment of restitution and excellent behavior. It has been 5 1/2 years since my sentencing and have been in no trouble with the law besides a seat belt ticket here and there. Is there any possibility of getting this expunged? I've found it extremely difficult to find a job with this hanging over my head. Any suggestions are appreciated.

How do i go about having a couple of things exponged off my record,. Frist,. Back in 2003 or 2004, I was arrested for unauthorize use of a vehicle, ( My job was driving a tractor trailer) The company that i drove for did not pay me all of my wages ( 800.00 dollars worth). So I got stupid and kept their truck, and trailer. After 4 days I decided to bring back the truck to them, at the truck stop in Virginia Beach Va, When I got there the police were already there, and they arrested me.. When the charges were brought up on me at frist, it was a felony, because I had equipment and frieght that was worth over 150,000.00 dollars, and they lable it as embezzlement. I went to court, my employer stated that i was a good woker, and didnt understand why i would do such a thing. ( the company would not admit that they owed me money) so the judge reduce it to a misdemeanor, and that i had to pay restitution of 2400 dollar. (He did that because the company stated that i was a good worker, and that I had no record, I never been in trouble before). ( I did go back to jail for not paying the restitution, it was hard finding a job with all of that on my record) I paid off the restitution, and I have been very very good.... But im having problems with finding jobs in trucking because of it.. Can i get this exponged off of my record, it happen around 2003 December or 2004 January, Please help me:D Feb 20, 2009
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Normally, expungement can occur if you have only one conviction. After 5 years, you can hire, most likely, a criminal defense attorney to see about getting the conviction expunged.

This varies by State.

Good Luck.
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