I am in need of advice on how to go about getting my record exponged. I have a criminal record due to stupidity on my part..with this hanging over my head. It is extremely difficult to find a job because of this...please help!!!
I was also going to post the same type of question. I broke into a car in 2003 and stole a cd player. I was facing a c felony in Indiana. The public defender got me a plea bargain for a D felony. I had no prior record up to this point. The judge sentenced me to no jail time, a year probation and pay $450 in restitution.
The restitution was paid immediately and they let me off probation 5 months early due to the immediate payment of restitution and excellent behavior. It has been 5 1/2 years since my sentencing and have been in no trouble with the law besides a seat belt ticket here and there. Is there any possibility of getting this expunged? I've found it extremely difficult to find a job with this hanging over my head. Any suggestions are appreciated.
How do i go about having a couple of things exponged off my record,. Frist,. Back in 2003 or 2004, I was arrested for unauthorize use of a vehicle, ( My job was driving a tractor trailer) The company that i drove for did not pay me all of my wages ( 800.00 dollars worth). So I got stupid and kept their truck, and trailer. After 4 days I decided to bring back the truck to them, at the truck stop in Virginia Beach Va, When I got there the police were already there, and they arrested me.. When the charges were brought up on me at frist, it was a felony, because I had equipment and frieght that was worth over 150,000.00 dollars, and they lable it as embezzlement. I went to court, my employer stated that i was a good woker, and didnt understand why i would do such a thing. ( the company would not admit that they owed me money) so the judge reduce it to a misdemeanor, and that i had to pay restitution of 2400 dollar. (He did that because the company stated that i was a good worker, and that I had no record, I never been in trouble before). ( I did go back to jail for not paying the restitution, it was hard finding a job with all of that on my record) I paid off the restitution, and I have been very very good.... But im having problems with finding jobs in trucking because of it.. Can i get this exponged off of my record, it happen around 2003 December or 2004 January, Please help me Feb 20, 2009
Normally, expungement can occur if you have only one conviction. After 5 years, you can hire, most likely, a criminal defense attorney to see about getting the conviction expunged.