Criminal Records, Expungement Record Expunged 2

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South Bend, Indiana (St.Joseph county) I broke into a car in 2003 and stole a car stereo. I was facing a c felony in Indiana. The public defender got me a plea bargain for a D felony treated as a misdemeanor. I had no prior record up to this point. The judge sentenced me to no jail time, a year probation and pay $450 in restitution.

The restitution was paid immediately and they let me off probation 5 months early due to the immediate payment of restitution and excellent behavior. It has been 5 1/2 years since my sentencing and have been in no trouble with the law besides a seat belt ticket here and there. Is there any possibility of getting this expunged? I've found it extremely difficult to find a job with this hanging over my head. Any suggestions are appreciated.
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