Red light ticket and license plate unregistered??


New Member
What is the name of your state? CA. My vehicle is salvaged (car accident back in fall) and had a new license plate on my car since March. Given to me by the dmv. The dmv said it was something like an incomplete transaction. Anyway I'm trying to explain this the best I can: when I call the dmv, they can only search for my vehicle based on my old license plate. I have ocd and worry about running a red light even though I doubt I did. In fact I worry about having ten red light tickets since the start of the year. I of course would never want to run a red light. The first question is: based on what's read here, how paranoid does that sound? The second question: since my new license plate would be captured but the new license plate is not attached to a vehicle or owner, does that mean I got away with running a red light? For the record on this site it says that despite when I called and the local traffic police said they're turning back on soon, there's this website saying they've been off since 6 years ago (went up to May 2020) for my city of Modesto. This is definitely a reliable website right? It's under camera towns if you google modesto red light camera may 2020.
worry about running a red light even though I doubt I did. In fact I worry about having ten red light tickets since the start of the year.

Does constant worrying ever help YOU alleviate the issue over which you worry?

I worry about having ten red light tickets since the start of the year.

You might better serve yourself by paying the citations, or defending your actions in court.

I of course would never want to run a red light

How do you propose to make the judge AGREE with your declarative above?

based on what's read here, how paranoid does that sound?

I am both an attorney and physician (DO), and no one that hasn't evaluated you can address any illnesses, maladies, or diseases from which you might be suffering.

It can't hurt to make an appointment with a psychiatrist in an effort to learn more about yourself.

The second question: since my new license plate would be captured but the new license plate is not attached to a vehicle or owner, does that mean I got away with running a red light?

Alas, dear poster, I possess many superpowers.
However, I lack the very, special, superpower of a "seer".

This is definitely a reliable website right?

I can vouch for no one, other than myself.

It's under camera towns if you google modesto red light camera may 2020.

Thank you for suggesting that, mate.

I'm sure a very curious person will do as you suggested.
The first question is: based on what's read here, how paranoid does that sound?


The second question: since my new license plate would be captured but the new license plate is not attached to a vehicle or owner, does that mean I got away with running a red light?

No. They know who the plate was issued to.

You should be more concerned about getting your license plate issue corrected so your vehicle doesn't get towed away at some point.

No. They know who the plate was issued to.

You should be more concerned about getting your license plate issue corrected so your vehicle doesn't get towed away at some point.

Wait when you say they know who the plate is issued to you mean they can still find my driver license info?
Wait when you say they know who the plate is issued to you mean they can still find my driver license info?

Although your registration may not be complete, the license plate you were issued has your name and address on record.

Right now if your vehicle is found on the road you only face an expensive citation. After six months (apparently next month) it can also be towed and impounded until you pay fines and straighten everything out.

I suggest you stop driving this vehicle and keep it off the road until your registration is corrected. Meanwhile you will not have to worry about red lights.
Although your registration may not be complete, the license plate you were issued has your name and address on record.

Right now if your vehicle is found on the road you only face an expensive citation. After six months (apparently next month) it can also be towed and impounded until you pay fines and straighten everything out.

I suggest you stop driving this vehicle and keep it off the road until your registration is corrected. Meanwhile you will not have to worry about red lights.

Now this is the last I'll ask about this but 1) when it says meanwhile I won't have to worry about red lights does that mean I won't be in trouble if caught by camera or won't be in trouble bc I won't be driving it? 2) so whenever I'm issued a new license plate, even if my info only shows up for dmv if I enter information on my old plate, the new plate still has my info?
Now this is the last I'll ask about this but 1) when it says meanwhile I won't have to worry about red lights does that mean I won't be in trouble if caught by camera or won't be in trouble bc I won't be driving it?
No trouble because you're not driving it.

2) so whenever I'm issued a new license plate, even if my info only shows up for dmv if I enter information on my old plate, the new plate still has my info?
Understand there are more avenues open to law enforcement (and the red light ticket camera guys) than what some DMV call-center person is willing to give you over the phone. If your car is legally registered, and you have the CORRECT address on the registration, don't worry about it.

If your car is not legally registered, red light cameras are the least of your concerns.
I googled my coworker's name just out of wild curiosity. He asked if I did and I told him yes. I didn't care to look up his address or criminal matters. He said he can call a lawyer and I know it's illegal to record someone against their will. If he chooses to what legal action can be taken? I do not care for any of his information. I just want to see if anything popped up for him.
Obviously you did have some interest or you would not have searched.
Anything you found using Google was certainly legal and there is nothing at all wrong with having looked.

Did you record a private conversation? You mention a recording but give no context. What state are you in?
I googled my coworker's name just out of wild curiosity. He asked if I did and I told him yes. I didn't care to look up his address or criminal matters. He said he can call a lawyer and I know it's illegal to record someone against their will. If he chooses to what legal action can be taken? I do not care for any of his information. I just want to see if anything popped up for him.
What state?
If he chooses to what legal action can be taken?

A person could bring a civil lawsuit against another person for some of the most idiotic reasons one could imagine.

That said, based SOLELY upon what you recited in your top post, I see no SUCCESSFUL cause of action that the person could bring upon you for "Googling" his name.

However, in the future you might serve your best interests by doing whatever it is you wish to do and NOT blabbing about it to the one that piques your curiosity.

Silence and surreptitious behavior are TWO of your best friends.
He said he can call a lawyer

He can also call a doctor, a carpenter and a pest-control expert (as can you). Anyone "can call a lawyer."

I know it's illegal to record someone against their will.

As phrased, that's not true in any state. In some (but not all) states, it's illegal to make audio recordings of private conversations without the consent of all persons involved.

If he chooses to what legal action can be taken?

If he chooses to what? "Call a lawyer"? He can call all the lawyers he wants, but googling someone's name is perfectly legal. I google people's names virtually every day.
I googled my coworker's name just out of wild curiosity. He asked if I did and I told him yes. I didn't care to look up his address or criminal matters. He said he can call a lawyer and I know it's illegal to record someone against their will. If he chooses to what legal action can be taken? I do not care for any of his information. I just want to see if anything popped up for him.

What do you or he think Googling someone and recording someone has to do with each other?
So I avoid ANY chance of being in trouble, I asked a friend to call the local traffic division to see if red light cameras are still being used. This was a week ago. The worker said currently not to her knowledge. How likely is it that they were off a few months ago too? When I called in January they said the lights are still off. For the record, a couple months ago, I saw someone run a red light through a camera and there was no flash. Does that mean they are off?
For the record, a couple months ago, I saw someone run a red light through a camera and there was no flash. Does that mean they are off?
Based on your sample size of (one), I would say that means that the camera didn't flash for that person, and I'd say that you can't reach any valid conclusion beyond that based on such a small sample size.
jdaries, you and I talked rather extensively on another forum about another topic earlier in the year, and I think you believed what I told you. Is that right? Because if you trust me, I'll take another shot at helping you with this.
Seems like there are two or three threads about unrelated topics that have been consolidated here, which renders this thread confusing AF.

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