Red light video in Stanislaus or San Joaquin??

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I've been worried sick. Let's say I ran a red light and was recorded video on a phone camera or dash camera. If it's shown to police, how likely is it that I'll get a ticket? What if it's from an off duty officer? Also I heard you can based on PC 837 but in public offenses, infractions don't count right? Especially as long as there's no accident?? Therefore you can't be arrested based on PC 837?? Oh and if there's been nothing about it in my mail after two weeks isn't that a good sign since mail for red light tickets has to arrive after 15 days?
How many boards under how many user names are you going to create to ask the same inane question? The police are not going to issue traffic violations just because some random person shows them a dash cam. PC 837 doesn't apply to people watching videos, and frankly while had they seen you run the light, they could try to assert arrest powers under 837, but that doesn't mean that the police will issue a ticket for it.

If you were arrested you'd know about it when it happened.
How many boards under how many user names are you going to create to ask the same inane question? The police are not going to issue traffic violations just because some random person shows them a dash cam. PC 837 doesn't apply to people watching videos, and frankly while had they seen you run the light, they could try to assert arrest powers under 837, but that doesn't mean that the police will issue a ticket for it.

If you were arrested you'd know about it when it happened.

I won't need to after this. But what exactly do you mean by this? PC 837 doesn't apply to people watching videos, and frankly while had they seen you run the light, they could try to assert arrest powers under 837, but that doesn't mean that the police will issue a ticket for it.
I've been worried sick. Let's say I ran a red light and was recorded video on a phone camera or dash camera.

Let's PRETEND that you never violate any other traffic control device, sign, or signal.

Now, just think how much better you'll be able to enjoy your greater, safer life.

One good reason NOT to violate any traffic control device, signal, or sign: You just MIGHT kill or maim someone, even yourself!

What if it's from an off duty officer?

MOST law enforcement agencies prohibit off duty law enforcement officials from enforcing MINOR traffic violations, especially if the person is driving his/her personal vehicle.

Again, if you're serially OBEYING all laws, you need not fear even an on duty law enforcement official.

Therefore you can't be arrested based on PC 837??

If a miscreant is bound on capturing/trapping/kidnapping you, not much you can do, except be alert and aware of your surroundings and all those who are nearby.

Oh and if there's been nothing about it in my mail after two weeks isn't that a good sign since mail for red light tickets has to arrive after 15 days?

These are the days of Chi Com inspired COVID-19, mate.

What used to take 13 days, just might take 45 days during Chi Com inspired COVID-19 times.
Let's PRETEND that you never violate any other traffic control device, sign, or signal.

Now, just think how much better you'll be able to enjoy your greater, safer life.

One good reason NOT to violate any traffic control device, signal, or sign: You just MIGHT kill or maim someone, even yourself!

MOST law enforcement agencies prohibit off duty law enforcement officials from enforcing MINOR traffic violations, especially if the person is driving his/her personal vehicle.

Again, if you're serially OBEYING all laws, you need not fear even an on duty law enforcement official.

If a miscreant is bound on capturing/trapping/kidnapping you, not much you can do, except be alert and aware of your surroundings and all those who are nearby.

These are the days of Chi Com inspired COVID-19, mate.

What used to take 13 days, just might take 45 days during Chi Com inspired COVID-19 times.
According to pc 837 can I still be prosecuted based on a civilians video of me eg running a light?
Okay. Maybe it'll sink in this way.

Let's say I ran a red light and was recorded video on a phone camera or dash camera. If it's shown to police, how likely is it that I'll get a ticket?

On a scale of 0 to 100, with 0 being no chance at all and 100 meaning that you would definitely get a ticket, the likelihood is a point two five that you will get a ticket.

What if it's from an off duty officer?

Then the chance is increased to point five percent.

The only reason I'm not saying NO chance is that I don't believe in superlatives. But really, the chance of your being ticketed under the circumstances you've outlined are so low they're not even worth calculating.
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