New Member
Yesterday my ex was ordered by a judge to return our 4mo old son to me after having temporary custody of him through an injunction he filed that was dismissed. He has not established paternity and now were are having to go through an unfortunate custody battle. We agreed that he would drop off the child at 730pm and long behold he was no where to be found at that time. I called him on several occasions and text him to find out where he was or if there was a problem but he didn't respond. Two hours later after the child was suppose to be dropped off, I had to call the police. Here in Hillsborough County, Tampa the police REFUSES to get involved in any civil matters, go figure! They advised me to file an emergency hearing and file for contempt of court. As a last attempt to find out where my son was, I sent my ex a text stating that he was in contempt and that I was calling the police and pressing charges. Over 3 hrs after the child was suppose to be returned, he finally showed up escorted by the police with only a few items for the infant and WITHOUT the babies bassinet. As advised by the judge, it is up to me to allow visitation. I dont want to keep my child from his father however; I dont want to have to go through this every time he is suppose to turn the child in. This is not the first time he has just disappeared with the child, on 1/30/10 he waited until I left to the store to pick up and leave with the child and refused to answer his phone. After contacting his mother, I found out that he had taken the baby to his mother's house and intended to leave him there so he could go out and party with his sister. My only temporary solution to this matter is to refile my injunction or move into a domestic violence shelter with my son...what am I to do???