Rejected 4 times in 2 years

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I have intereviewed for the same Quasi-State agency 4 times in the past 2 years. Each time I have been told that they were going in a different direction. Each time I was passed over for a white employee. At first, I thought nothing of. But the last 2 times really upset me. The 3rd interview was conducted by a temp and I was not broght back for a second interview even though I used to work in that dept and left on good terms. The last time it was another position in the same dept. I called after my second interview to check on the status and was told that it was between me and a few others but they were calling references to compare. I was then called the next week to tell me that after speaking with my references they were going in a different direction. I spoke with my references and they were quite enthusiastic about my work ethic. Is it just me or does something not sound right?:no:
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