Release of Bank Levy in Essex County, NJ


New Member
New Jersey
Hi there: I was sued by Debt Collector #1 in 2012; we agreed on a settlement amount, then I never heard from them again. Fast forward to January 2017--a levy was placed on my bank account by Debt Collector #2 who I never heard of (who apparently bought the debt from #1. I was never notified; #2 was using my old address and admitted mail they sent to me was returned to them), leaving -1,900 in the account. I got a copy of the original judgment and filed a motion in January to release the levy, which was recently denied "as a judgment has been granted in favor of the Plaintiff and the Defendant has failed to demonstrate how the levied funds fall under any turnover exemption." Getting this information has been extremely difficult, by the way; I had to follow up with the Essex County courthouse at every stage to get the status. The judge's office finally emailed me the decision after I called them directly on Friday; I never received anything in the mail. I had also requested a hearing and never got that either. I have no problem paying the amount (it'll have to be in installments) but how can I get the levy released? I don't even know how to approach this. Thanks in advance for your help.

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