Replica Designer Items

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New Member
I was wondering if it is legal for internet web sites to sell replica designer items if they say that their items are replicas? For example, Tiffany Jewelry with Tiffany&Co stamped on it. Or a Coach Hand bag with the Coach Logo on it. Aren't they violating trademark laws?

I have also noticed that these sites all quote the Internet Privacy Act code 431.322.12 signed by President Clinton. Is this act for real?
karenboyle said:
I was wondering if it is legal for internet web sites to sell replica designer items if they say that their items are replicas? For example, Tiffany Jewelry with Tiffany&Co stamped on it. Or a Coach Hand bag with the Coach Logo on it. Aren't they violating trademark laws?

I have also noticed that these sites all quote the Internet Privacy Act code 431.322.12 signed by President Clinton. Is this act for real?
It is absolutely illegal to sell replica merchandise bearing the trade name of the original company on it. This is infringement defined! The code you cite is fake and an attempt by sites to create the illusion of legality. I'll sell you the Brooklyn Bridge but, be advised, I will also comply with the Privacy Internet Act of 2002 signed by President Abraham Lincoln. That's a little obvious but you get the point! :D
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