Alcohol & Drugs: DUI, DWI report written on a dui ALL LIES? (WA)

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To my knowledge there are no lawyers on this site.

Well, perhaps if the Good Lord would have give YOU knowledge GH, you would fit in.

There are several other web sites you can take your; unbackedup, bullshit, just opinion, god I want it my way, : Attititude, and go home.
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I beat an entire city and pd, all by myself. I heard all this before, the same crap GH is spreading.
Oh bullshit,if you beat them you did not do it with the spam motion you posted.
. No. Oaths do not deals with employment (Such as being sworn in under oath),when an oath is violated. There are serious criminal implications involved,not just the office holder loosing a job. Perjury charges,UCMJ proceedings etc,etc. When a contract is violated it is civil proceeding. The U.C.C is liberally construed and applied to promote its underlying purposes and policies, which are: (1) to simplify, clarify, and modernize the law governing commercial transactions; (2) to permit the continued expansion of commercial practices through custom, usage, and agreement of the parties; and (3) to make uniform the law among the various jurisdictions.
When I make a commercial transaction at let say Sears there is no judge with a bible making me swear an oath I will make payment on said item.

The red show the intelligence, the rest makes no matter. I would have provided case law ealier, but I wanted to see the bs fly. I will post the case law, and the deff. later. You'll see the six grade flunky is dead wrong, is promoting crimes, and shoudl be charged with a crim per post.

If they have not been prosecuted for it. The answer is never

I guess every child murder'er is the same, "if you aint caught, you didn't do it".

This again is how I beat my city and county. All these servants like GH have that attitude. "If I don't get caught, I didn't do it".
The problem is, people like me look at this shit, and some times we even find a judge, or a cop, that could not have been a cop or a judge by law, thus anything they did in respect to that office is void.

GH comes up with crap that has nothing to do with what I'm saying. This peace of work has missrepresented most everything I've said, tried to place it into a different court, and pulled god knows what out of his ass.

Read every post, you'll see. What a bitch. And by the way, If you still can't come up with law, then just go home. Your view of morality is what I scrape off my shoe's. Produce facts or admitt what a joke you really are.(By the way, the post's I respond to, are some of the most hit, I also would bet my PM's and "thank you's" out weight this bag of crap.
Oh bullshit,if you beat them you did not do it with the spam motion you posted.

Allow me to post an attachment, and I will show you. No bullshit. I win, you don't. As a matter of fact, I'm working on a case against the local judge, and the remainder. I'm sure when I win, you can deny that too. :no:

I can even produce an order, just let me attach them for all to see. Then we'll see who's full of shit.
wHAT knowledge do you have?? You dumb ass, there are lawyer's left and right in here!

If you don't like the show, then just go home.
If there were lawyers here they would be telling you what a laughing stock you are. Or maybe they just figure your so far gone that it impossible to correct all the spam,and just leave the light work to the Green Hornet.
I'm really getting sick of your stupid shit:

3.Dumb ass the prosecutor is a recognized officer of the court. You can not challenge his authority through a motion citing the U.C.C. its that simple. You can try it the judge will dismiss it,as frivolous. A real attorney would be sanctioned possibly disbarred for it.


The ucc applies to all contracts. What a dumb ass. That's why it's calle "uniform commercial code"., but stupid wont grasp that.

I can back up every word by a "MEMORANDUM AND ORDER REGARDING MOTIONS TO DISMISS AND IN CAMERA REVIEW", Filed Jun 16, 2005 and even signed by a DISTRICT COURT JUDGE!

GH, you have wasted far too much of my time, and are holding me back on doing what is right.
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If there were lawyers here they would be telling you what a laughing stock you are. Or maybe they just figure your so far gone that it impossible to correct all the spam,and just leave the light work to the Green Hornet.

Is that why the people PMing me are so thankful? Because I'm "wrong". Please.

Nobody's bitchin but you, and you aint provided any evidence. I have now said I will start posting orders from the court when the site allows. And then what you gonna do?? Cry a lil more?? :dunno:
I'm really getting sick of your stupid shit:

The ucc applies to all contracts. What a dumb ass. That's why it's calle "uniform commercial code"., but stupid wont grasp that.

I can back up every word by a "MEMORANDUM AND ORDER REGARDING MOTIONS TO DISMISS AND IN CAMERA REVIEW", Filed Jun 16, 2005 and even signed by a DISTRICT COURT JUDGE!

GH, you have wasted far too much of my time, and are holding me back on doing what is right.
Wow would you look at the Spam fly,keep that spam coming. I believe your getting a lot of P.M's telling you "put it away the hornet exposing you for a fraud". Now lets get back to YOUR WRONG !:roflmao:
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Wow would you look at the Spam fly,keep that spam coming. I believe your getting a lot of P.M's telling you "put it away the hornet exposing you for a fraud". Now lets get back to YOUR WRONG !:roflmao:

Prove it or get off of the site. YOu have not proved ANYTHING since you joined up. You have repeated posted lies, twisted my words around(caught doing this how many times??) and lied some more. You have not posted anything pertaining to law, just an opinion.

You don't know procedure, you don't know law. Each and every one of your post's prove that.

I could care less what you think about my pms. You have avoided every post this week where I was thanked by persons who did what I recomended, and gee look, it works for them too.

The only thanks you'll be getting, is when you log back in under a different name, and thank yourself.

GH post's are only posted to inflame, they provide nothing whatsoever to do with law.
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sorry for being redundant with that lawyer question and i appreciatte the help.... i just recieved a letter from the department of licensing and they revoked my license for TWO YEARS!!!!!! this was their conclusion after i went through a hearing and tried to contest the fact that this cop did not read me the implied consent warnings .... i had two witnesses and even that didnt help again this does not make any sense . do they consider the cops written testimony as FACTS because i have not been convicted with the court yet but the DOL already put into affect this revoke of my license is this only for the state of WA where they can do this ? this is insane
sorry for being redundant with that lawyer question and i appreciatte the help.... i just recieved a letter from the department of licensing and they revoked my license for TWO YEARS!!!!!! this was their conclusion after i went through a hearing and tried to contest the fact that this cop did not read me the implied consent warnings .... i had two witnesses and even that didnt help again this does not make any sense . do they consider the cops written testimony as FACTS because i have not been convicted with the court yet but the DOL already put into affect this revoke of my license is this only for the state of WA where they can do this ? this is insane
They are two separate things,the DOL is an administrative hearing. That has to do with the refusal. I am not sure but I believe you can appeal the decision. You could still prevail in court,however the DOL decision would stand. You are entitled to bring a lawyer to the DOL hearing. You better find a criminal attorney.
i appreciate the help really and im actually trying to get a criminal lawyer on my side i just dont have that kind of money now im a student with plenty of bills to pay already but i still dont quite understand they made their decision on a refusal and also on the fact that the officer was supposed to tell me the consequences of this refusal before asking me to give a breathe sample right ?
Blood test?

In PA, if you refuse a breath test, you then have to get a blood test. The police take you straight to the hospital and they draw blood...did they do that?.. check and make sure what procedures your state has...
no they did not take any blood again this is the state of washington and i dont know where to even go to check for what the procedures are. i already visited the law library and it more confused me than helped i need to, i guess see and read the book on laws here ,just dont know where to start...
no they did not take any blood again this is the state of washington and i dont know where to even go to check for what the procedures are. i already visited the law library and it more confused me than helped i need to, i guess see and read the book on laws here ,just dont know where to start...

an article I found for you..sinced you refused they take your license.
DUI/DWI laws
January 2008
Washington State


All 50 states and the District of Columbia have per se laws defining it as a crime to drive with a blood alcohol concentration (BAC) at or above a proscribed level, 0.08 percent.

License suspension or revocation traditionally follows conviction for alcohol-impaired driving. Under a procedure called administrative license suspension, licenses are taken before conviction when a driver fails or refuses to take a chemical test. Because administrative license suspension laws are independent of criminal procedures and are invoked right after arrest, they've been found to be more effective than traditional post-conviction sanctions. Administrative license suspension laws are in place in 41 states and the District of Columbia.

Some offenders in 46 states and the District of Columbia are permitted to drive only if their vehicles have been equipped with ignition interlocks. These devices analyze a driver's breath and disable the ignition if the driver has been drinking.

In 32 states, multiple offenders may have to forfeit their vehicles.

Laws prohibiting the driver, passengers, or both from possessing an open container of alcohol in the passenger compartment of a vehicle are in place in 43 states and the District of Columbia.
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