Fraud, Embezzlement, Bad Checks Reported car stolen when it may not have been.


New Member
I parked at one location to work the area(I am a business to business salesman). When I returned to it, my car was not there.

After reporting the car stolen, it was discovered a few blocks away. Everything seems intact, which leads me to believe that I may have been so stressed out about missing my sales goals that I forgot about moving my vehicle.

If this is indeed the case, did I just ruin my career and life over a simple mistake? I read that I may face jail time, fines and a misdemeanor. I take this to mean that my schooling is in jeapordy.

Thank you for any and all assistance in this matter. I'm really scared about what results may come if I did move the car, but was too stressed to remember.
Only YOU know you made a mistake.
A prosecutor is unable to discern your thoughts until you open yer yapper and snitch on yourself.
Probably nothing. People forget where they parked their cars, call the police and then find the car. I can't see anything serious happening out of this.
It is unlawful to KNOWINGLY make a false report.
If what you say is really what happened then it is nothing.
Even if you did fib a little I doubt anyone cares under the circumstances.

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