
You probably can't repossess it. You will likely have to sue for the money.

However, more details may change that response.

Did you sign over the title to the buyer?

Do you have a written contract for the payment terms?

And, last but not least, why would you turn loose of the car without the full price cash in hand?
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How do I repossess my car that I sold someone in NC and they never paid me for and took the car to TN

You gave the car to someone else without receiving payment for it? Why would you do that? In whose name is the title for the car? Do you have keys? What makes you think you have a legal right to repossess the car? Did you take and perfect a security interest in the car?
How do I repossess my car that I sold someone in NC and they never paid me for and took the car to TN

If you are not the legal owner of the car anymore then you can't.
You will have to sue in civil/small claims in TN.

If this person doesn't have the money or assets then you might think twice about your expense in pursuing him.

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