Resigned, lost pension

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Friend resigned after failing mandatory drug test. nineteen years with nypd- last eight with narcotics unit. His pension was taken away. Seems to me the punishment is to severe. Is their any appeal process available. He had no prior disciplinary charges, in fact he had an outstanding performance record. Thankfully, he has learned a lesson and has not tried drugs since. Did the department have a obligation to protect one of their finest. After all eight years in narcotics! They could have rotated him out of the unit, if they ahearded to their own best practices. What kind of a union do they have, that would help those who succum to alcohal based on the stress of the job, yet not those who succum to narcotics after being placed in that strssful enviorment. Is their a statue of limitations for appeal in this case.
The police dept is under absolutely no obligation to transfer him. A police officer on drugs? Does not get much worse than that. He screwed up big time. Nobody knows just how long he was on drugs, he is telling you 1 time usage but that could very well not be the case.

If anything, he would need to see an employment law attorney to see if he has any case. I am not sure of the appeals process but I am sure there is one.

Sorry I could not be of more help.
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