That's not the P.O.'s job. The P.O.'s job is to make sure you do what you were ordered by the court to do. You claimed that the payment amount was "based on [a] lie from [the] govt." While that may be true, it was incumbent on you to prove the lie at the time the court was considering the amount and you apparently failed to do that. You also could have appealed, but you apparently failed to do that. It also needs to be pointed out that this situation only exists because you chose to commit a crime.
I respect your inputs, but your presumptions could not be more wrong.
1, The discovery evidence showed actual income, which matched my govt appointed lawyer's
info from Defense Finance, yet went unchallenged by the govt appointed lawyer.
2, The govt appointed lawyer did not include my issues in the appeal.
3. Have you heard of 'romance scams' ? Sextortion? They are endemic where I and my team were assigned (in The Philippines), on the Global War on Terror, and where I was not the first nor the last victim of a serial scammer (also in discovery) put on the victim the pedestal before an investigation even began. So do not tell me that I (or her multiple other victims) "chose" to commit a crime, while we were downrange risking our butts to protect yours, and in an OP AREA that is off limits to ALL USG (DoD, FBI, DHS, et al) and USG contractor personnel, due to the extreme CRIMINAL threat, and it's still off limits today
4. My govt appointed lawyer had statements from witnesses attesting that the govt's 'victim' twice offered bribes to a male witness if he would testify in support of her false claims. Another witness statement in discovery claimed that the same scammer accepted money in return for accusing an American contractor of rape. His multiple alibis affidavits in discovery were ignored and not even investigated. That American was my team mate., extorted for "tens of thousands of dollars" per his NOK, denied D.P, impoverished and ruined, he killed himself leaving a wife and 2 kids.
5. The P.O. could put any relevant info in his report, or omit relevant facts selectively, right?
6. Corruption and arrogance runs deep and wide through the DoJ, DHS, and other agencies where promoting their agendas at the expense of our rights (see Center for Prosecutor Integrity White Paper "Believe the Victim?: The Transformation of Justice") is the new normal.
7.Judge F. Dennis Saylor: "Whether someone is a 'victim' is a conclusion to be reached at the end of a fair process, not an assumption to be made at the beginning. Each case must be decided on its own merits, according to its own facts." — John Doe v. Brandeis. The reality is that anyone accused of any type of sex crime is virtually guilty til proven innocent.
8. To repeat, I said that I respect your opinion, though I do not appreciate your arrogant, presumptive tone. If you were as smart as you think you are, the USG would have contacted you and offered you the chance to serve your country on the Joint Special Operations Task Force/ Philippines/Forward (JSOTF/P/F) instead of asking me and my team mates.
9. I came here in humility looking for some knowledge. I am not taking any crap from smarta**es, trying to sharpshoot me, or my situation.
USN '73-'98