Shoplifting, Larceny, Robbery, Theft Retail theft ticket

melissa green

New Member
Hello I had a ridiculous incident at Walmart today where I went shopping for a few items and decided to use the self check out for the first time. The first machine was giving me problems after trying to scan a couple items and kept saying please see attendant so I went to another machine. That machine was giving me problems also at first then I finally got everything in order. So I thought! But the whole time I was trying to scan and swipe my card to complete the transaction there was a employee right there close to me watching so I assumed I was doing it right. When I grabbed the receipt the receipt didn't look right but the employee didn't tell me to rescan anything or do it over. She just waved me off and said go ahead have a nice day. When I got to the door security made me go to their office and called the police. Asked for my ID to look me up and when the police came he wrote me a ticket and said I would get a court date in the mail. I tried to explain to them I had NO intentions on taking anything and I was prepared to pay for my items but they said they never saw me attempt to pay which is a lie because I was clearly on camera swiping my debit card and trying to deal with that awful machine. The officer just gave me a ticket for retail theft but here was no court date on it or anything and he told me I'm free to go. I'm so upset about this situation and feel the officer should have looked at the video of me at the self check out before he wrote a ticket. What should I do at this point? Am I charged with retail theft as of now? I'm confused because I didn't get arrested and he just gave me a ticket that doesn't have a court date on it and told me a court date will come in the mail then he said I probably will just have to pay a fine. I do not want theft on my record nore to be charged with this .
What should I do at this point?

You wait, as the officer instructed, you'll be receive MORE details in the mail.

I also suggest you stay out of that store for at least one year.

You might a notice telling you to stay out longer, but for now, just stay away from that store.

You should also stop trying to explain what happened.

As you've learned, it didn't help.

ANYTHING you say, CAN and WILL be used against you in a court of law.

When you get to court, plead NOT guilty, and ask the judge if you are eligible to receive a public defender.

Until you get a lawyer, you say NOTHING about this, nada, zero, zilch, zip, hust your mouth, wait until you get the letter.
I suspect the issue is that you did not pay for everything, not that you didn't pay at all. You admit the receipt didn't look right. I wouldn't repeat that to anyone ever again.
You may not have intended to take anything without paying, but the store security and police have no way to tell the difference between you and the person who does it deliberately.
If you did not do it intentionally then you did not commit a crime. The appropriate place to offer that defense is in court. Evidence will have to be offered to prove you broke the law. Most people are intimidated by the system and just pay the fines, but by all means defend yourself as you are entitled to do and hopefully you geta satisfactory outcome.
I am a Retail Theft Consultant and answer questions like yours daily. Discuss this with NO ONE other than your Attorney! The Officer was not required to view video as he was acting on behalf of the store (you should not have named) Some of your statement could be used against you so again discuss this with no one. Seek a consultation with an Attorney and make decision based on this consultation or perhaps several. It sounds as though you failed to scan one or more items and you clearly noticed something. This is not uncommon with these self check outs however if thats case unless the video shows you actually did scan item it will be hard to win. Your Attorney can advise you how to get video to be examined by you and your Attorney.

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