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The facts. I had talked to supervisor on many occasions about painting in a non ventilated area and the hazzards. I was told to keep painting. I got sick and filed a work comp claim. I didn't trust the company to admit there was painting going on, so I called OSHA. Now I have run out of work on a regular basis, only getting 32hrs a week in. In the meantime, There is a person that collects SSDI works at the company? (I have taken photo's of him working and kept a log of the hrs he's worked) he pencils his time worked on his live in girl friends time card. He does not have a time card. Management does know about this. He has been "working" there over 3 yrs. Is it retaliation against me when they are helping to commit fraud with ssdi person and his GF. and I can't work full hrs because of it?
The facts. I had talked to supervisor on many occasions about painting in a non ventilated area and the hazzards. I was told to keep painting. I got sick and filed a work comp claim. I didn't trust the company to admit there was painting going on, so I called OSHA. Now I have run out of work on a regular basis, only getting 32hrs a week in. In the meantime, There is a person that collects SSDI works at the company? (I have taken photo's of him working and kept a log of the hrs he's worked) he pencils his time worked on his live in girl friends time card. He does not have a time card. Management does know about this. He has been "working" there over 3 yrs. Is it retaliation against me when they are helping to commit fraud with ssdi person and his GF. and I can't work full hrs because of it?

No one will care, and outing another fraudster won't help you.

They can simply say, we never knew.

People aren't stupid.

Life isn't fair.
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