I would like to start off by saying thank you to all the attorneys and other professionals for helping out in this forum, I do not take it for granted.
I am in the middle of a difficult situation, and could really use some advice. My grandmother (who is in her 90s) created a revocable trust about ten years ago in Arizona.
Due to her declining health, we moved her back to Tennessee to be with family. The trust states that when she passes, her house is to be sold immediately. It states her two daughters (one is my mother, who will be the trustee when my grandmother passes) will get X amount of money, and the grandchildren will get a much smaller amount. If there is anything left over, give it to a certain charity. The total amount of money to be distributed added up to what the house was valued at ten years ago. Here we are ten years later, and the house has doubled in price.
Here is where the problem lies. My grandmother's health has declined, so we had to put her in a home. The home cost almost 10k per month. My mom is going through her savings rapidly, and will run out of money soon.
Once that happens, I will have to take a mortgage out on my house (and possibly cash out retirement) in order to continue paying for her care. I want my grandmother to live a long time, and I don't want to put her in a government assisted home.
The other beneficiary's do not want to get involved, neither financially, or to help out in general. In fact, they do not even visit my grandmother. I am all for honoring my grandmothers wishes, and in favor of giving to charity. However, my mom (and eventually me) are going to end up spending all of our money taking care of my grandmother.
This doesn't seem right to me. We have seen a couple of attorneys, but they do not feel my grandmother's mind is sound enough to amend the trust. I know you guys have not seen the document, but do we have any options? It isn't fair that my mom and I are possibly going to go through all of our money, and the other family members (and charity) get to reap the benefits. Any advice would be greatly appreciated.
PS I don't want to come off sounding greedy. I hope my post did not give that impression. I am just worried that I am going to lose everything I have worked so hard for.