Right of way and property lines

Hello Tom in Sacramento County!

Your anonymity is very important. We really don't need to know more than that.

You have probably found this info already:

"Encroachment permits can be obtained by submitting an application with attachments to the County of Sacramento, Technical Resources, 827-7th Street, Room 105, Sacramento, CA 95814. Encroachment permit review typically takes 1 to 3 weeks. Fees associated with obtaining a permit are $103 for new driveway encroachment permits and $360.50 for all other permits. A $2,500 security deposit is also required prior to the issuance of a permit. In addition to these fees, inspection fees associated with this permit are charged to the permit holder at an hourly rate. "

Link: Encroachment Permits

Facing an initial $360.50 fee to start the process, along with posting a $2,500 bond ( ask your homeowner's insurance agent for a small spot fee to cover this) along with hourly rates, rate undisclosed, you should be in a position to ask some questions of the county.

Having dealt with various county highway departments for longer than forty years, I can suggest some questions you might ask going in:

Have fence encroachment requests ever been approved before?

What is the hourly rate for "inspection"?

If my permit is declined do I get a refund? If so, how much?

If a permit is issued, being permissive, can permission be withdrawn? If so, how?
Not gonna happen. You still seem to have misconceptions about homeowners insurance.

Happened to me.

I needed to post a $2,500 bond a few years ago and my homeowner's insurance agent arranged it for a small fee. A homeowner's insurance agent is usually licensed for multiple lines in property and casualty and can provide a variety of surety products.

Most P & C agents can deal with the bonds and other products described here:

Property And Casualty Insurance Glossary (Terms & Definitions)

That would include surety bonds, performance bonds, etc.