Other Criminal Procedure Right to face your accuser


New Member
New Mexico
Do we have the right to face the accuser? Don't you have to have knowledge of a person and and knowledge of what the person knows in order to bribe or influence one to do different?
Three posts in a half hour and all three incomprehensible.

Please keep all your questions in one thread and see about getting help posting from somebody who reads and writes proper English.
Combined posts with removal of incomprehensible items. I think I understand what is trying to be asked in painful fashion, perhaps a language issue.

Yes, you do have a right to "face your accuser." In this case the accuser is the state or federal government that is prosecuting you. If they have a witness, you have a right to question that witness at trial. But when it comes to an arrest, all that is needed is reasonable cause to arrest. Trial is where it is decided whether or not you are guilty of the crime of which you are accused.
Truthfully, your post is not clear. Do you want to furnish more details & be a little more clear, please.
Sorry, Michael. Your post hadn't posted yet when I started mine above.
Do we have the right to face the accuser? Don't you have to have knowledge of a person and and knowledge of what the person knows in order to bribe or influence one to do different?

Okay, POSTER, I understand your concerns.
However, you (or the party you're asking for) need to speak with YOUR lawyer, ONLY your lawyer about this.

If this is a criminal matter, your lawyer will work with you to craft the best defense possible.

You must also slow down, as criminal and traffic matters take time to wind their way to a conclusion.

The last thing YOU want to do is try to be your own lawyer, especially if you're being accused of BRIBERY.
Nothing happens until the case is filed, charges brought, and the accuser is required to testify.

Please explain what is happening to you and you might get better comments.
Nothing happens until the case is filed, charges brought, and the accuser is required to testify.

Please explain what is happening to you and you might get better comments.
cops cume in saying worrent / for drugs. every door in the house was pad locked and i had no key so thay bust doors down tor the house up thay found wat ever was thare told me that thay would be back for me after cristmas and left us thare thay took my money i got for selling a car and truck off mine thay left all kinds of things everyware stuff i never seen before every thing was locked up.but any way the worent does not menchen grugs at all its about bribery or intemadation off a witness
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cops cume in saying worrent / for drugs. every door in the house was pad locked and i had no key so thay bust doors down tor the house up thay found wat ever was thare told me that thay would be back for me after cristmas and left us thare thay took my money i got for selling a car and truck off mine thay left all kinds of things everyware stuff i never seen before every thing was locked up.but any way the worent does not menchen grugs at all its about bribery or intemadation off a witness
cops cume in saying worrent / for drugs. every door in the house was pad locked and i had no key so thay bust doors down tor the house up thay found wat ever was thare told me that thay would be back for me after cristmas and left us thare thay took my money i got for selling a car and truck off mine thay left all kinds of things everyware stuff i never seen before every thing was locked up.but any way the worent does not menchen grugs at all its about bribery or intemadation off a witness

Mate, all you need to do, IF you get arrested is tell the cops YOU WISH TO INVOKE.

That means you won't say anything about the case, admit anything, confess anything, or comment on anything.

When they ask name, age, address, it's okay to answer those questions, nothing further.

While you're waiting, talk to a bondsman and see what your bond might cost.

Finally, it's time to shut up, lawyer up, and wait.

There's not much a bunch of stupid strangers can do to help you.
Agree. Now that we understand a bit more, the best advice we can give you is exercise your right to remain silent and hire a lawyer. Talk to no one except the lawyer.

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