Homicide, Murder, Manslaughter Right to know what charges?

You need to restrain yourself and STOP discussing any aspect of this case on the internet.

You could be hurting the defendant.

You could end up being called as a witness, which could also hurt you and/or the defendant.
I hope they do call me as a witness. I spoke to the detective, who was 'all nice'. Then I learned he lied to me. LIED! RIGHT ON THE PHONE! It seems ethics has gone out the window.

I wasn't there that night. What the hell could I do? I am not going to lie and nothing I say or do is going to hurt my son.

Do I believe he screwed up? Yep. Do I believe he deserves what I am hearing they are charging him with? NOT IN MY LIFE!

Our government pisses me off to no one lately.
I believe my son's public defender to be #1 overloaded by cases (seems to be everywhere) and #2 inept at her job.

What you believe about the qualifications of the lawyer means nothing.

I went to visit my son yesterday and learned a lot of things. For the 1st time we did talk about his case. I know WE AREN'T SUPPOSE TO! I am not his attorney! He doesn't have one but the damn PD who NEVER goes to visit him and seems worthless, hence looking into other options.

Everything you say on the telephone and most likely in the jail visiting facility is recorded (in some cases, recorded on video).

You are potentially harming your son's legal defense and hampering his attorney's ability to defend him.

You KNOW what you should NOT do, YET you insist on doing it anyway.

Sorry, I tried, you refuse to understand.
I believe my son's public defender to be #1 overloaded by cases (seems to be everywhere) and #2 inept at her job.

My son was transferred from one jurisdiction to another due to having to deal with another charge. His pd kept telling him not to worry about it, but she wasn't dealing with it or at least communicating with that agency/county etc... Charges can still stack up. My son wrote up a writ, went to the other jurisdiction (through the jails). They never took him to court, took him back to the other jail and then he had another court date (he missed) last month. It is like agencies DO NOT communicate. Annoying as hell. I had to let one county know he was in another county incarcerated.

When my son was 1st arrested (back in January), I didn't find out right away. He had just turned 21. I called the public defender 3-4 times and left messages. I finally talked to her AT HIS COURT HEARING! I was livid. I'm a business woman, people return phone calls. I don't give a damn that it is the government or whatever and they are overworked. Everyone is overworked. Hire more people. I highly dislike unprofessional people, people who do not return phone calls in a prompt way (24-48 hours) or who lack tact and professionalism...especially in situations like these.

I went to visit my son yesterday and learned a lot of things. For the 1st time we did talk about his case. I know WE AREN'T SUPPOSE TO! I am not his attorney! He doesn't have one but the damn PD who NEVER goes to visit him and seems worthless, hence looking into other options.

I'm not rich, getting him attorney will likely bankrupt me. I use to think Justice is blind...nope.

Justice is not blind, it sees green.
Why do you think the PD owed you a phone call? You aren't his client ...PD, in no way, shape or form owns a return call to you. And, frankly, as you can't seem to use common sense it damn good the PD won't talk to you.
Then I learned he lied to me. LIED! RIGHT ON THE PHONE!

Nothing new there, unless a person is uninformed.

The police are allowed to lie to the suspect and all involved.

The police can't lie under oath on the witness stand.

Police have long been prohibited from using physical force, they are able to use a variety of powerful psychological ploys to extract confessions from criminal suspects, including the use of deception during interrogation.

Deception in the interrogation room

This is why NO one should talk to the police.
All you need to provide the police with is your biographical data.

If you're only a witness, you can say I know nothing, I saw nothing.

Then stop talking.

If you're a suspect, or in any other way related to the case, look at this:

I hope they do call me as a witness. I spoke to the detective, who was 'all nice'. Then I learned he lied to me. LIED! RIGHT ON THE PHONE! It seems ethics has gone out the window.

I wasn't there that night. What the hell could I do? I am not going to lie and nothing I say or do is going to hurt my son.

Do I believe he screwed up? Yep. Do I believe he deserves what I am hearing they are charging him with? NOT IN MY LIFE!

Our government pisses me off to no one lately.
Are you mentally ill? What don't you understand about stop posting about your stepsons MURDER CASE on the PUBLIC internet?
I believe my son's public defender to be #1 overloaded by cases (seems to be everywhere) and #2 inept at her job.

My son was transferred from one jurisdiction to another due to having to deal with another charge. His pd kept telling him not to worry about it, but she wasn't dealing with it or at least communicating with that agency/county etc... Charges can still stack up. My son wrote up a writ, went to the other jurisdiction (through the jails). They never took him to court, took him back to the other jail and then he had another court date (he missed) last month. It is like agencies DO NOT communicate. Annoying as hell. I had to let one county know he was in another county incarcerated.

When my son was 1st arrested (back in January), I didn't find out right away. He had just turned 21. I called the public defender 3-4 times and left messages. I finally talked to her AT HIS COURT HEARING! I was livid. I'm a business woman, people return phone calls. I don't give a damn that it is the government or whatever and they are overworked. Everyone is overworked. Hire more people. I highly dislike unprofessional people, people who do not return phone calls in a prompt way (24-48 hours) or who lack tact and professionalism...especially in situations like these.

I went to visit my son yesterday and learned a lot of things. For the 1st time we did talk about his case. I know WE AREN'T SUPPOSE TO! I am not his attorney! He doesn't have one but the damn PD who NEVER goes to visit him and seems worthless, hence looking into other options.

I'm not rich, getting him attorney will likely bankrupt me. I use to think Justice is blind...nope.

Justice is not blind, it sees green.

I think the heart of the problem here is that YOU have no inherent right to be a part of the man's defense.
May I get opinions or information on the pro's and con's for a regular paid (criminal) attorney vs a public defender?


Private attorney: Costs $$$$ but theoretically should provide better client service.
Public defendant: Free but typically overworked and not able to devote as much time on any given case as the client might like. Also, veteran PDs typically have superior knowledge regarding the court and may be able to use that knowledge to the clients' advantage.

There are some that believe a public defender is 'less than competent' compared to a paid attorney in the service they provide to their client. Does anyone have experience with either one and their opinion please?

Public defenders exist for the purpose of providing criminal defendants who cannot afford to pay an attorney constitutionally adequate representation. "Constitutionally adequate" is not a very high threshold.

Are you allowed to fire your public defender and ask for different representation (still a public defender)? What examples or situations may allow you to do this?

This is a local issue, but "firing" one's public defender is typically difficult or impossible.
If an arrestee didn't know what the charges are, he/she couldn't post bail or bond.

For class "E" felonies and below we can take cash bail and release the defendant on an appearance ticket. The appearance ticket(s) would show the charge(s) although the defendant does not specifically need to know the charges in order to post bail - just what the amount of bail is.

For more serious offenses the defendant must be held for arraignment. The defendant may be released on his own recognizance or be required to post bail at the discretion of the judge. At the arraignment the charges would be made known to the defendant, whether they pay attention or not.
For class "E" felonies and below we can take cash bail and release the defendant on an appearance ticket.

Oh my, is there NOTHING some "leaders" won't do to inhibit, if not handcuff our enforcers of the law?

At the arraignment the charges would be made known to the defendant, whether they pay attention or not.

My friend, each day our great country is being demolished by ignorant, power hungry, wannabe dictators.

Yet, when one of these power thirsty miscreants gets nabbed, they squeal, squawk, howl, and hiss about THEIR innocence and rights.

The very rights they deny to others.

I now take a moment to consider the "dozing" Chief of Police of Chicago, who claimed upon his nabbing that he went to "nap city" because he FORGOT to take his NEW blood pressure medication.

If one has ever gazed upon the massive HUNK of fat, pretending to be a human being, one is safe to assume the corpulent DOZER rarely misses consuming copious amounts of food.
....When my son was 1st arrested (back in January), I didn't find out right away. He had just turned 21. I called the public defender 3-4 times and left messages. I finally talked to her AT HIS COURT HEARING! I was livid. I'm a business woman, people return phone calls. I don't give a damn that it is the government or whatever and they are overworked. Everyone is overworked. Hire more people. I highly dislike unprofessional people, people who do not return phone calls in a prompt way (24-48 hours) or who lack tact and professionalism...especially in situations like these......

What makes you think the PD has time to talk to the legal-stranger of every defendant on her case load? He is an adult and you're not his parent. She has ZERO obligation to speak to you at all, and your insistence that she should is irrational.

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