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Thank you so much Barbie for the positive note, The only reason I am worried about the whole rights thing is because I don't want him or his parents to try and get custody and then I have to send my daughter off for a weekend to stay with Strangers.

This dad ain't coming around all he cares about is smoking weed, drinking and partying!

Did anyone notice that the story changed? First you have a Father who "has not bought the first diaper" and "has no interest in the child" and then you see that she has a child support order and she is worried that he will try to get custody. Which is it? He isn't interested or you are worried because he is.

You can't keep the child away from him entirely, he can't sign his rights over to you unless you have someone to adopt the child.

I'm not very convinced that what you are saying is entirely true, your story keeps changing.
Did anyone notice that the story changed? First you have a Father who "has not bought the first diaper" and "has no interest in the child" and then you see that she has a child support order and she is worried that he will try to get custody. Which is it? He isn't interested or you are worried because he is.

You can't keep the child away from him entirely, he can't sign his rights over to you unless you have someone to adopt the child.

I'm not very convinced that what you are saying is entirely true, your story keeps changing.


(and unfortunately, we see this so often :( )
she said from the start that he would try to get custody if she went for child support, so that is why she dropped it. Basically he is trying to use any option to not pay child support and she is worried to file any motions against him because of what may happen. She is saying he doesn't have a interest in the child, just an interest in not paying child support so he would rather become "interested" than pay up. However she did change her story in that the first post said that the father does not want to sign his rights over and after said he wanted to.
First he didn't want to sign his rights over, now he does! I have an attorney who says i can get all rights and the "father" has no chance. I am doing this for the best interest of my child. I would rather pay everything for the rest of her life than have him threatning to kill us. So therefore thanks for the smart ass comments i greatly appreciate them. Have a nice day!
First he didn't want to sign his rights over, now he does! I have an attorney who says i can get all rights and the "father" has no chance. I am doing this for the best interest of my child. I would rather pay everything for the rest of her life than have him threatning to kill us. So therefore thanks for the smart ass comments i greatly appreciate them. Have a nice day!

You have a very foolish attorney if s/he thinks that Dad will not have any rights.

That is all.

And, you're welcome!
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