Road Rage Judge

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In Bellevue, WA, I was merging into the left turn lane at an intersection, when a man who nearly cut me off started blairing his horn. Anyway I flipped my middle finger out of my window. Before the light turned green the man got out of his car, asked me to "get out!" of my car and was yelling obsecnities which I just ignored. He followed me to the next line, yelling out his window "You wanna be in my court? I've got your plates, you'll be in my court in a week!"

Ok so I'll assume this man was a judge. My question is, he doesn't have any proof that it was even me driving the car, what are the laws of judges taking matters into their personal hands? Should I really expect a court notice in the mail?
Dustn525 said:
In Bellevue, WA, I was merging into the left turn lane at an intersection, when a man who nearly cut me off started blairing his horn. Anyway I flipped my middle finger out of my window. Before the light turned green the man got out of his car, asked me to "get out!" of my car and was yelling obsecnities which I just ignored. He followed me to the next line, yelling out his window "You wanna be in my court? I've got your plates, you'll be in my court in a week!"

Ok so I'll assume this man was a judge. My question is, he doesn't have any proof that it was even me driving the car, what are the laws of judges taking matters into their personal hands? Should I really expect a court notice in the mail?

I doubt it.
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