Roommate problem

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My exfriend and I signed a year lease and after 1 month she told me she was going to leave. She posted on Facebook looking for someone to take her place. She became very rude and wouldn't speak to me and finally I told her to be out in a week and I would find someone to replace her myself. She left the next day. Now she wants me to pay her back for the last 2 weeks of rent for the month. Am I liable for this since it was her idea to leave and I did not force her to do so?
Sorry, she could claim you told her to leave.

No, you don't have to give her a dime, unless she sues you and receives a judgment against you.

Best thing for you to do, is live alone.

Adults rarely do well with roommates.

Think about it.

Teenagers can't wait to leave the home of mom and dad.

Unless you plan to marry, it's better having your own home.

If and when you do marry, take your time, because divorce sucks, too.
Even if she claims you told her to leave, as long as her rent was paid up through the end of the month then she was under to legal compunction to leave. Telling someone to get out is certainly not going to meet the legal definition of an eviction, nor is it going to appear to a reasonable person as such.

Although you told her to leave and she expressed the desire to leave, she could have easily said "screw you" and stayed until her rent no longer covered her. She chose to leave voluntarily and the cost is on her.

That might not be enough to keep her from making a claim or suing in smalls claims, but I don't think she has legal ground on this one.

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