So basically getting community service for the same crime twice
You appear confused about the issue of crime and punishment.
Try this example.
Bobby steals a $1.00 pair of earrings from Cheap Stuff Cheap.
Bobby is arrested.
Bobby is tried for the theft of the $1.00 pair of earrings.
A jury convicts Bobby of the theft.
Bobby receives a $2.00 fine.
Two days later, Bobby ups his game and steals a $2.00 pair of earrings.
Bobby is arrested AGAIN.
Bobby is tried for the 2nd theft.
Another jury convicts Bobby of another crime, similar charge.
This time the judge sentences Bobby to 60 days in the County Youth Correctional Facility.
Was Bobby's second conviction of theft violative of his Fifth Amendment Protection from Double Jeopardy?
No, Bobby committed TWO crimes, although both crimes alleged the same or similar charge.
Should Bobby continue committing the same crime another 100 times, Bobby could be convicted 100 times.
What Bobby is doing, and is receiving has NOTHING to do with "double jeopardy".
Read all about double jeopardy:
Double Jeopardy - FindLaw
Protections Against Double Jeopardy for Criminal Defendants
Scope of the Double Jeopardy Clause