School Discriminating against my son

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Can someone please advise me of my options. My 15 year old son was diagnosised a couple of years ago as being Bi-Polar, ADHA, and Obsessive Compulsive Disorder. Needless to say he has had many problems in and out of school. He has an active IEP plan, and the school system it self seems to be doing everything in its power to accomidate him, except for ONE teacher. She refuses to follow the guidelines that are outlined in the IEP. She behaves on her own accord, does not contact me and seeks him out in order to catch him doing things wrong. He has 6 other teachers every day and according to them he is doing better with the newest medication change and they say nothing but positive things about him. But this one teacher does everything in her power to push my sons buttons or order to get him to blow and get him into trouble.Including her newest thing is she has forbide to allow my son to attend a field trip because she wrote and I quote "I'm sure i'm correct in believing I can't trust Chris to behave outside of the school. He advised me that you(me his mother) have volunteered to attend this trip I still don't believe it would be a good idea for him to go, I'm confident he will act out" I called her and asked if he had done something in particular and lost the privledge and she again said NO, But she is sure he will....I have been to the principle, the Director of special education in the district and the Superintentdent. All to no avail, they stand behind thier teacher making excuses for her and allowing her to discriminate against my son.
Before it's suggested let me tell you NO I can't get him out of her class. The point is she is not following the rules and regulations outlined in the IEP. So my question is what are my options? Where do I go from here?
I have a condition called Aspergers Syndrome, I had many of the same troubles, I recommend checking the ADA(Americans with Disability ACT) website. You can also check the US Dept of Ed website, look at the "Section 504". That is a Civil Rights Chapter, and it may give you what you are looking for on decrimination. Or talk to your State Disability Advocacy group. If you do not know who they are. I can look the group up for you if you would like, I just need your state.
I do not like seeing ANYBODY discriminating on ANY body with a disability. Most of the groups that I know are FREE to work with.

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