If someone goes to court with a school district (a tenured teacher with an impeccable record) because the district is wrongfully trying to let that person go, how long would that process take? Months? A year?
Thank you for your response! She doesn't but the union will provide her with one if the district wants to go in that direction. They are trying to bully her because she was working at a local university while also working for the school district but she cleared it with her supervisor at the school district before she took the job at the university. The district is bullying a lot of people right now and unfortunately she is one of them but she doesn't at all deserve it. She has never even received a notice of concern or anything less than excellent evaluations.
Seems to me that if she hasn't been put on written notice that her services are no longer required then all she needs to do is go about her business and ignore the bullying.