Alcohol & Drugs: DUI, DWI scram device

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I have been ordered to wear the scram device for 1 year. I had it put on in January 2013 I have had it on now for 7 months. My record on the scram device has been perfect. Probation was to re-evaluate me in July to see if I could get an early removal. I live in a transitional living facility for recovering alcoholics and addicts, I have there for 15 months doing everything I can to better myself and the probation officer I have in Grimes County would not even consider an early removal. I believe she did not even go to the judge about this matter, and I would like to know how to get my name on a docket to go before the judge myself about my situation. Any advice and help I can get would be greatly appreciated.
Thank you
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You can talk to a lawyer & see what he/she thinks - I assume you had a lawyer originally (maybe talk to him/her). It helps though to have the support of your PO. I guess it's worth a shot though.
I have been ordered to wear the scram device for 1 year. I had it put on in January 2013 I have had it on now for 7 months. My record on the scram device has been perfect. Probation was to re-evaluate me in July to see if I could get an early removal. I live in a transitional living facility for recovering alcoholics and addicts, I have there for 15 months doing everything I can to better myself and the probation officer I have in Grimes County would not even consider an early removal. I believe she did not even go to the judge about this matter, and I would like to know how to get my name on a docket to go before the judge myself about my situation. Any advice and help I can get would be greatly appreciated.
Thank you

I suggest you ask your PO about this. Discussing things in a calm, adult manner illustrate changes that people are looking for in you.

It is probably part of your therapy.

Early release is not a right. I suggest you keep working your program. It'll be Christmas before you know it.
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