Arrest, Search, Seizure, Warrant search warrant -take the money and run

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please bear with me this is for real -friday approx. 2:45 pm plainclothes officer with a aearch warrant is let into my home by me .At my home three other people two adults one child my nine year old son .warrant was for drugs and all things associated with money drug paraphenalia etc. a total of ten to twelve highway patrolmen wereinvolved in search. I dont know if what comes next makes this an illegal search 1) there was no radio communication between anyone of the officers no radio chattter no radio noise no sounds of dispatchers 2)no one was asked for ID no names ran for outstanding warrants officer in charge asked whose name was on warrant thats how I was identified one person even offered up that he had two outstanding warrants still no names ran 3)search lasted only forty two minutes from entry to exiting my home which is a two bedroom two levels with basement and a detached garage 3)OIC (officer in charge )said money found around $31,000 which I explained was my family's ( six siblings saving funds for plots next to our parents gravesite ) the monies was put in large ziploc bag on dining room table it was never counted,no pictures,no video all this was done in front of us dining and living room all in one 4)OIC tells me two firearms are found and one of them is a stolen one I tell him not mine I am a felon explain night before female friend was robbed at my house three men were all over hunting for money scared away by knock on door he didnt ask for no more details 5)OIC tells me drugs and paraphenalia were found I tell him not mine there should be none in my house. these drugs were never shown to me or others to admit or deny owning so they werent inventoried as said to do on warrant (same with money ) 6)OIC tells me I'm too old to go to jail to help myself and cooperate still I tell him money is mine guns and drugs not a clue I asked if the robbery night before could be a setup he took it no farther 7)we (occupants) all sat together and talked freely between us my son continued playing video games one uniformed officer said in front of everyone he wished this would speed up his shift starts in twenty minutes. plainclothes officer then asks if anyone has a set off cuffs (one female occupant was handcuffed she was brought up from basement at beginning of search)to replace the set on someone.An uniformed officer whose they were had to leave.None were found so they used plastic zip ties 8) one person who said he had warrants was asked if he would like to leave he said yes and they said go home dont hang around 9)I was then asked again by OIC about owning up to drugs and the two firearms which I again denied. He gave me his card then told me to call him tomorrow. I told him it that would be a saturday he responds in the most casual voice of all day " Awww dont worry call me monday " 10)he then informs me he is leaving me the paraphenalia and one of the guns.Now I'm a felon which he knows and he is leaving me a gun all this in front of all of us I ask if he is taking my cell phone which has been going off all during the search it was on the dining room table he says i can keep it 11)he proceeds to fingerprint me but no one has a fingerprint kit finally an uniformed officer gets his personal one out of his car I'm fingerprinted given a handwritten seized inventory list written on a scrap piece of green steno paper on it was written one gun, undisclosed amount of money, and drugs none of which was ever seen or inventoried I have only copy that was made That was the search of my premises and what I find peculiar happenings all done in a time of only forty two minutes.My home looked better after they left then when they started Nothing was hardly touched or left in disarray. Now I figure I should be in custody for the firearms they said they found instead they left me a revolver My son should have been taken to a safe location once fireafrms were involved , he wasn't.they let a person go not knowing who he was could have been mass murderer, child molester etc. Now come monday about 4:30 pm the OIC calls me I tell him I'm busy can I call him back he says yes.I call my attorney . I then inform the OIC that due to my lawyers advice there will be no further dialouge between me and him without my lawyer present . I gave him lawyers name and number .It has been 8 months since the search not once has OIC or anyone has tried to contact my lawyer.A few weeks after search the courts sent me a court document saying they will be claiming the $26,000 (they took around $31,000) found as illgotten gains in civil court. The papers also say the money was turned in the following monday after the search. warrant has it in bold letters all seized property must be inventoried and returned to the courts immediately after the search is concluded, it was turned in three days later same time I lawyered up Does anyone have any ideas on legality of any of these going ons.I could use some input on if any civil rights were abused thank you for your time dts32146
I suggest you limit what you say about this, to whom you say it, and where you spread it.
You're better off working with your lawyer.
You might not have seen everything they did. Many times when they conduct these searches, they also plant BUGS.
You were probably ratted out by another snitch. They'll continue to groom you, or start grooming other snitches.
I'd be surprised if you haven't been under surveillance for these past eight months.

Good luck.
It doesn't sound illegal at all, although perhaps there may be some things that they might not have done properly.
You will need an attorney who knows all the details to review your whole case.
What civil rights abuse? All I see is an old felon, with drugs, guns and a fortune in unexplained cash that associates with wanted criminals who was let off easy by the police and DA. Would you prefer they enforce the law and you spend the rest of your life behind bars?
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