Arrest, Search, Seizure, Warrant Searched at school

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While at school my uncle had my aunt who is a 911 dispatcher call my school and have me searched. A bottle of Ridalin was misplaced at my grandmothers house and I was accused of stealing the medication and selling it without any reason or doing in the past in my behelf. I was searched at school without my parents there or there notification. I had an unopened pack of ciggarettes on me. After the incident many of my friends have been searched and repeatedly searched. All without parent notification.Can the school search you without your parent there or an adult that you trust with you? And is there anything i can do twards my uncle. My uncle used me to get to my mother(he hates my mother and has this deep rooted hatred twards her and women in general)The search was unsubstantiated and unjust. What can i possiably do?
I'm not sure, especially since it is unclear what state you are in and whether you are in a public or private school. In many cases, children do not have the same rights as adults. What did your parents say after being told about this?
reply to searched at school

I live in Maryland. My parents were outraged. My father exspecially. They did not even notify my bestfriends parents. The only reason they called my mom was that there were ciggaretts found. If i had refused the search what will have happened? Thank you very much.
Difficult Problem

Mine is in most cases not a popular one with parents. However, I find no age qualifications in the "Bill Of Rights" I find nothing which prohibits or limits rights reguarding age. However I do indeed find punishments fr those who violate ones rights because of age.

States tend to see childrens rights as being subjective rather than eminent.

For what it is worth, I tend to disagree. I think the 14th amendment equal protection clause supports my stance rather than that of states who dilute the rights of minors.
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