Secondary School Teacher

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I have lost the address of the website offerring the following "meaning " of workplace harassment:
(1) A person is subjected to ... repeated behaviour ... by person's employer that
(a) is unwelcome and unsolicited; and
(b) the person considers to be offensive, intimidating, humiliating, or threatening; and
(c) other reasonable persons wold consider to be offensive, humiliating, intimidating or threatening.
The website does include the reference 'sexual harassment,' which I am not claiming, citing the Anti-discrimination Act 1991, section 119.
I worked at Coahoma Agricultural High School as a reading teacher from July 29, 2004 through May 20, 2005 when the contract year ended. From the inception of employment on July 29 until March 3, 2005, I was what one might call minimally supervised by my immediate supervisor, my principal. His supervisor, the assistant superintendent responsible for hiring me, had strong confidence in my abilities. I have a master's degree in math education and I am one of about 100 teachers in Mississippi who holds National Board Certification in secondary mathematics.
On March 3, I received the first in a barrage of weighty communications from my principal, both written or oral, that continued throughout the balance of my tenure. This first listed ten allegations af classroom malfeasance, student abuse, and school policy vilations. The "requested discussion" of these violations which took place on March 11 was not a discussion but a mugging.
Although I denied each charge in turn, or described the mitigating circumsatnces which mad the charges silly, nothing I said made any dent. Mr. Principal wanted simple yes or no answers to his questions, and he viewed the qualifications I offered as evidence of lying. It was during the course of this first hour meeting, he threatened to remove me from his office. Over the next weeks, he did throw me--- figuratively --- out of his office twice, and on one occassion had two armed campus policemen escort me out of his building and off campus at three o'clock to insure that all the students boarding the buses would witness my humiliation. This dismissal was the beginning of a four-day suspension growing out of his charges --- neither of which were tru and neither of which he proved -- that 1) I conspired with two female students to allow them to go into the restroom to use a cell phone, and 2) I had allowed a male student to enter my room "to speak" without either the student's teacher or Mr. Principal's permission.
In official letters to his superiors, he referred to me as "odd" and "crazy." He did not submit the results of his "findings" relative to the March 3 allegations until late May in which he chose merely to charge me again with five the self-same allegations as those which appeared in the original on March 3.
He submersed me in such a degree of job-related vertigo by his unsubtantiated accusations and allegations that it is no wonder that my classroom presence and performance suffered, deficiencies which he charged on a number of subsequent occasions. In the ample written record of official reprimands, I recall only once his failing to close with a paragraph reminding me that "further disciplinary action" was not unlikely. His formal closing of each letter hypocritically ended with "Respectfully yours." As my father used to say, he cut my legs of and then teased me for being so short.
Mississippi is a "right to work" state. I am not sure that any state agency is capable of helping me. Can something like I describe be brought in Federal court? I'd love to seek monetary damages, but I don't know if such a basis exists. At the least I would like to see him explain his actions to a judge. Going to the newspaper will do no good. The principal is politically well-connected, and I have little doubt that racial tension would engage. Apparently the superintendents are afraid of his power.
What to do? How to proceed? If what I relate her is close to the truth, would such a case be "prima" on its "facia?"
The site you refer to, which I believe you will find on the eeoc website, does not apply except with reference to either sexual harassment or illegal harassment under Title VII (racial, religous, gender-based, etc.).

What you describe does not, on the basis of what you have posted, give you a case in Federal (or any other) court.
Dear CBG,

What of the advisability of "going public" with a letter-to-the-editor of a newspaper or a professional publication? I have secured new employment for the next school year, but I do not like the idea that any teacher anywhere, even in Mississippi, can be treated in the manner that I was treated for three months. Procedure for resolving grievances was ignored. I never had my rebuttals reviewed by anyone of passing objectivity. Had I engaged in the same behavior toward a superior or toward a student, I'd have been summarily dismissed.

Under the present conditions of "law," there seems to no underpinning of justice. My superior can make as many official but false accusations against me with no provision for punishment for making those false allegations. If the principal does not stand to lose anything by making false charges, what impediment is there to his---or any superior's--- charging me with anything he wants--- on-the-job improprieties, drug use, promulgating sex with chickens as an accectable student life-style, accepting money for better grades?

I am aware that there is a movement in the system of torts to minimize the glut of frivolous law suits by requiring the claimant to pay court costs when a claim is not upheld. That idea goes to a deep principle of justice, maybe one as fundamental as the injunction not to hold the son liable for his father's sins.
The problem with "going public" is that you have no control over whatever media spin might be placed on it. Letters to the editor and to professional publications are often edited for publication - I had one sentence removed from a letter I wrote and the absence of that sentence completely destroyed any impact my letter might have had. It's your decision but it's not likely to have any long lasting impact, even if the letter is published (which not even a fraction of letters submitted are).

If your principal makes false allegations in a public forum and as a result you suffer damages, you have recourse. That is not the case in your current situation.
CBG, One More Time

O.K., CBG. I am consigned to agree with the arguments you make regarding both civil litigation and my publicly expressing my ire. I appreciate your taking time to respond so thoroughly.

What dangers do you foresee in my taking the Judge Wopner(sp??) route? What if I sued my friend for X < $ 7500 damages for pain and suffering and humiliation, forcing him to defend his actions before a justice court judge? Something dark about my character or behavior was inferred by nearly all the 300 students who were in the process of boarding their buses when they witnessed two armed guards accost me at my afternoon bus-monitoring post and escort me off campus. I discern very little of a private act in this event. I have recorded three other examples of his creating a public spectacle from what should have been private discourse, one example being the row he caused in "throwing" me out of his office. He became so unhinged that both clerical staff and students heard him issue the demand for me to "get out of " his office now. News that I had been "kicked out" of the principal's office again preceded me in my short journey back to my classroom where students not only asked me if anything was wrong, but also quoted some of the language used in the exchange. " Mr. Q," one of them said, "I heard you told him 'I prefer to stand' when he told you to sit down."
Frankly, I don't think much of the idea at all. I think this is the sort of action that is much more likely to die away, leaving no trace, if you aren't constantly pounding it back into peoples' heads trying to prove a negative.

But since it is clear that you are determined to take some kind of action no matter what I say, all I can do is refer you to a local attorney of your choice.
Proving a Negative?

It is my understanding that the fallacy of attempting "to prove a negative" arises when one makes an claim that no member of a defined category possesses a particular property, say BLUE, which fact can be certain only if one is capable of examining each and every member of the category. If one cannot examine each member, one is never sure that one of the unexamined members is not endowed with the property of blueness. 'Tis a questions on the limits imposed by necessarily insufficient empirical data.

I am not trying to prove a negative. In the case I have described in this thread, I have clearly identified unequivocal episodes of harassing actions. The category is "actions by which the principal has engaged me," and in a dozen of those engagements, the distinguishing characteristic is the harassing nature of the action. Had I been female, or had the racial ingredients been reversed, I have little doubt ...
Join NEA

Were you a member of your state division of NEA. Their Uniserv Rep could have helped you alot. They can still come after you, but you have someone backed by lawyers to fight for you and tell you what to do to make their life tougher. I have seen it locally time and time again. Administrators do not like to mess with the Uniserv Rep. :)
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