Section 8/landlord/tenant

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New York
I am currently living in a 1 bedroom rent stabilized apartment & have section 8. My old lease for the amount of $1,425.60 expired in 2014. So me & my landlord toke a renewed lease, in the amount of 1,536.60 both signed it, & gave it for review to section 8. In order for section 8 to review it, it has to be signed. But, section 8 did not approve it because the amount was too high than what they would approve for a 1 bedroom. They notified him about this with a letter & stated that ither u leave the rent as is for another 1 or 2 years or lower it to 1,409.00. I countinued to pay my portion of the rent every month. Landlord did not comply with what section stated & waited almost 2 yrs to take me court. Now we are in court for dwelling non payment for that amount that was not approved by Nycha section 8. His attorney is staying that i am responsible. We have anothet court date set for trial on march 17th & a final decision will be made. I do not know what to do. They are putting almost $2,500 on my shoulders when section 8 is specifically saying it was not approved & void. Now my landlord is saying i am no longer going to give u the apartment under section 8. Ither u sign another lease without preferential rent or vacate & find another apartment. What do i do???? I have a child on my shoulders. Where is the truth.


New York
I am currently living in a 1 bedroom rent stabilized apartment & have section 8. My old lease for the amount of $1,425.60 expired in 2014. So me & my landlord toke a renewed lease, in the amount of 1,536.60 both signed it, & gave it for review to section 8. In order for section 8 to review it, it has to be signed. But, section 8 did not approve it because the amount was too high than what they would approve for a 1 bedroom. They notified him about this with a letter & stated that ither u leave the rent as is for another 1 or 2 years or lower it to 1,409.00. I countinued to pay my portion of the rent every month. Landlord did not comply with what section stated & waited almost 2 yrs to take me court. Now we are in court for dwelling non payment for that amount that was not approved by Nycha section 8. His attorney is staying that i am responsible. We have anothet court date set for trial on march 17th & a final decision will be made. I do not know what to do. They are putting almost $2,500 on my shoulders when section 8 is specifically saying it was not approved & void. Now my landlord is saying i am no longer going to give u the apartment under section 8. Ither u sign another lease without preferential rent or vacate & find another apartment. What do i do???? I have a child on my shoulders. Where is the truth.
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The landlord isn't required to accept section 8, or participate in the program.

If you can't accept the new terms, you're going to be evicted.
You'll end up owing several hundred dollars, and with an eviction stain on your record you'll never see somewhat decent housing for decades.

You are free to seek alternate housing, but you're going to get tossed.

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