Seeking Help in Berkeley, Alameda County, Northern California

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Hello Legal Community,,

This is for the attempt at a student murder, this was an extended event, involving both hate crime topics and an extended harassment / slander campaign. They had used this as a method to create apathy and keep other people from having sympathy after they had made the decision to kill. A couple of community members, women, had used the word "Sacrifed" outside of my apartment as I was enduring physical injuries. This is at a college, some of them may work at the college campus, formally listed prejudicial themes have been involved, and I am asking to have assistance. I had also heard the word "Extracted" used outside of my apartment, I think that this is in reference to the removal of cognitive function through injury, as well as other things from my body, and potentially from the stealing of intellectual property and ideas. I had also heard "Devoured", which is apparently a term used by someone for the method of injury, the use of microtech to destroy the brain, and the word "Descended", which has felt unfortunately Christian. I do not believe in hell. This would not be a decision for my neighbors. A few years ago I was employed here at one of the research labs, this was the UC Forest Pathology and Mycology Lab, I was taking units, my full multi-semester schedule was signed off on by the University, so I was working, taking units, and with an additional unpaid apprenticeship was which was also interviewed for and won. I always do a lot at once. About a year prior to this, a group of students from the Cal hiking club, all younger, tried to get me kicked out of the school club in late August / September 2019, I had moved in with a group of them off of a newsletter post, there was some abrasion within the first month, this felt mild on my end and I had stopped speaking to them by the end of the first month, there was about a month where I was not speaking to anyone, there, and then out of blue sky they had tried to kick me out of the school club, just prior to the start of that semester. They lied to me and to other people, I was stalked for about a year, this was actual stalking with repeated events of intrusion, into two other local campuses and the workplace, all off-putting and uncomfortable, intruding upon focus and relationships, I was followed, there were events at a movie theatre and at bar, I was followed to my parents house in San Diego, no-one was invited there, a new set of people was interfered with during Summer 2020, this was now intrusion into a brand new household, two of the new housemates got in on this and went after me as well, there were again repeated instances of intrusion and invasion, I think that someone tried to put a camera in my bedroom while I was at work, this is Chapter 88, voyeurism, I think that my housemates knew about this, the area was harassive and invasive and tried to push me out of safety and career path. I was followed to three distinct locations by a group of people, these were not close locations, first to an optometry appointment on campus, this was a private appointment at the Meredith-Morgan Eyecare Center on the UC Campus, I did not share this appointment, this was already intrusion, and uncomfortable, the next day I was followed to a Scuba training appointment in Monterey, CA at Breakwater Cove, San Carlos Beach, I did not share this either and this was the same group, some overlap noted, I again did not share my private schedule, and then a few days later I was followed to my cousin's house in the SF Mission District near Holly Park, this was right before the first day of classes for the Fall 2020 semester, and I had went there to speak with him due to how uncomfortable I already felt from repeated instances of invasion into life. I was followed there as well by the same group. This was all within the 7 day period prior to the Fall 2020 semester. A couple of them had set up blankets on the hill to watch me as I went to speak with my cousin. There was another guy with white hair who was smoking a cigarette and seemed amused at this. This was an uncomfortable amusement, and the tone felt like a game show. There were injuries for murder later, so please bear this in mind. This was an uncomfortable type of amusement. He was seen again a few times later. This was all near the end of August 2020. A few weeks later I had left the one apartment and a living space that should have been a very good place to live, and I had done so due to discomfort from the behaviors of one housemate in particular and a couple of neighbors. It felt uncomfortable and so I decided to leave that living space and find a way to live on my own without distraction, and I had worked with the property manager for this, who was very nice. I was followed during the move, and I began to be attacked once I was at the new apartment. Once there I began to be attacked almost immediately and there are injuries that show from this. This is as I was here as a very healthy, very prepared, fit and healthy adult. This felt like a high-tech hit job, professional / amateur psy-ops, or a bunch of students who wanted to try a psy-ops, students and other community members, with forced auditory tracks, sleep deprivation, psychological games, and direct manipulation. It is my understanding that someone had snuck into my apartment during the first few days of being there, during the first week, and that they had done something to be the back of my head that had assisted with some of this. I had a small raised bump there. There were a number of forced experiences, the repetitive looping of a whistling track, and other things that felt like a hit job. There were people at the apartment watching this like a spectacle. I was manipulated into driving down to San Diego a few times from the apartment, and there were people down in San Diego. This was to my parents house. In hindsight it is very clear that they were doing this to push me out of my enrollment, and that this was being conducted like a hit job. A number of students were involved alongside a handful of adults. They are all people, there are laws, they need to go to jail. My college enrollment is one of the most important things within my life. I plan and prioritize well and was very set up for success. This was additionally signed off on my advising, I had worked with advising, and this was very thorough. This was not my first time working with an advising and not my first time working on a degree. As I was doing what was agreed upon this was performed like a hit job to prevent me from having my and a normal college enrollment. This is not ever legal. Distinct prejudicial themes were involved with this. Some of them had tried to make this funny as this was happening, and this itself makes this more prejudicial, and more derogatory. This was felt as a hate event with the intent to kill, with people in the area getting off on this. I have been here as a serious adult and I have always been very serious with my life and my life goals. I was here normally and there was no way to fight back against this type of injury. I am concerned that this was a literal purchase, that someone had tried to purchase my life, and / or my ability to have a life with success and happiness. All hostile actions are illegal. Anyone at the University who participated needs to be in jail. This is literal for the attempt at murder, and literal for instances of torture, at a college, towards me as a student. My goals and need for life have not changed. This is a high diversity, more feminist area. There is the good, healthy kind, and then the fringe, terror / torture kind. These are the terror / torture people, and there are very serious tones with this, and in how I have been treated, what I have been subject to, the experience of this, and the affect upon my life. Under no set of circumstances will I let go of this, and it is my right, very formal right, to have this held accountable. I moved up here by invitation after many years of work. I am older and more aware of my life and what I want from this. This creates more pressure for this, and for justice, not less. This is what the law is. It is not legal to be injured or harassed during you bachelor's degree, at all, or to attempt to use injury and harassment to prevent or deter someone from having one. This is very understandable as law, and very good that it is there. This type of targeting and injury is not acceptable. I need this held accountable and to have losses compensated for. Some of this should be punitive, and very punitive. This should be very supportable. No person should support this type of mistreatment on any level. I do not get to be subject to anything resembling a hit job at college. At all. There is no excuse for this. I am asking to have assistance. I have now endured this and other types of injury, layers on layers, for multiple years, and now at the end of my scheduled Fall 2020-Spring 2023 enrollment, I do not have me, but many other things instead. I would like to have this monetized. I need someone to be very hardcore about this with me. I need someone to be able to go through everything and find everyone. There was language a while ago that indicated that a neighbor or a couple of neighbors, these are neighbors in a college area as I have been up here for college, had or tried to have this done to me. So with this I need someone to be willing to go through everything and to find everyone involved. I moved up for my degree, this should be happy times. There has been incredible suffering in this. I am asking to have this held accountable. There are critical rights laws that need to be observed with this as well, held accountable, and it would be worth making this very public to ensure that this does not ever happen again.

Start Here for individuals, each person identified here is a real person, with a real name, lives somewhere now, and crossed lines of action as an adult. This is a starting point for arrests. Probably 10-15 Total.…

This is for a couple of new Graduate Students from Maryland that moved in with me during Summer 2020. One became focused / gross / obsessive. There were three in the group, four others in the house, two of them were like this:…

Here is for the group that had followed me down to Monterey, CA as I was learning Scuba. They had followed me from Berkeley. I would recognize a number of them. I think that some are CNR, and some are from the Regents and Chancellor's Scholarship:…

This is for a couple of people at a Movie Theatre, it would be good to have them identified:…

And then alongside this, there was the woman in the purple Patagonia nano-puffer jacket, first here in Berkeley, she had followed me at night, then to my cousin's house in the SF Mission, then to San Diego near where my family lives, and then at Nancy Skinner's District Office in Oakland. State Senator Nancy Skinner herself had then been later seen parked in her car outside of a hospital here in Berkeley, after the Police (UCPD + Berkeley) first falsified a USPS request, tackled me in the lobby, and forced me into a hospital, as police. This is very, very dangerous. They had used this to punish and to skip process. This is very, very dangerous. There is also the guy / man, 50-60 with grayish hair, at least once with a green field jacket, who followed me repeatedly here in Berkeley, then was later on one of my flights to DC during October 2021. I saw him speaking to a blonde woman, ~40, later Temple Emanuel SF. I need to have names. I am not a glass person. I need to know who people are. Please understand the tone. I need to know who people are. The guy with the green field jacket was also seen taking a brown-bag handoff down the street from my old apartment, from an asian student who lived above me at 1612 Walnut Street, Apt 01. He was on the second floor and our apartment was on the first. I kept hearing people up there and at one point I had walked upstairs to introduce myself. He said that his name was Ben. I introduced myself as Ben and had the same name. In hindsight this is much more malicious. If his name is not Ben he needs to spend his life in jail. I need this understood within the larger context, newer technologies, identity theft, and an uncomfortable intent to kill. This is mandatory and I am sitting here waiting for this to process. There was also a late-20's, early 30's Hispanic woman, she had followed me repeatedly here in Berkeley, including onto campus, and was repetitive. I saw her in a politics jacket (Both Blue and Red) at least twice. She had long, dark hair. She had followed me distinctly, onto campus, like a charging rhino. She never spoke to me directly. I need to have her name. I had stayed at the Oakland Marriott City Center hotel off of Broadway in Oakland, CA during the last week of October, 2020. There was a 50-60 year old man with gray hair and his wife with slightly dirty blonde hair who had stayed across from my room. It is my understanding that they had been participatory. I think that they had tried to have a Pimp, this is an actual Pimp speak to me in the lobby of the hotel. An African-American man had tried to speak to me in the lobby, he had an accent that was not fully American, I was nice, and a few minutes later I had noticed that he had two prostitutes with him in the lobby. Once noticing this I almost left the hotel, and then went back up to my room. As this was happening the couple mentioned above, the 50-60 year old man with gray hair and his wife had left from the elevator area, made direct contact as they were leaving, and then left the hotel walking quickly side by side. I think that there was also a younger student who was staying at the hotel, in the room just North-East of mine on the same floor. At one point I had heard her leave her room, and as she had walked by mine she had knocked twice on my door very quickly. This was like a "Your-Done", quick double-knock as she had left. This is also stated within the context of attempted murder and hit-job. This is as I was a student and some of these other people associated with the University. Aside from this they are / were people in America doing this to another person in America. This needs to be held full accountable with proper charges. I am here as a focused adult and no person would allow themselves to be treated in this manner. This needs to be treated seriously in associating with actions for the attempt at murder, slander and intentional degradation of a student up for college, 1, another adult in general. These actions should be much worse in the context of a college and enrollment. There was another man at the Marriott City Center Hotel in Oakland who was later seen at the Capital Hill Hotel in Washington, DC when I had flown there during October 2021. He was about 50, with a button-up shirt, business / professional button-up, nice slacks and nice shoes. At the Oakland Marriott City Center he had sat in the lobby and was noticed there as this was happening. I could point out the specific bench. At the Capitol Hill Hotel he had sat in the back lobby area. This was the same man at two different locations a full year apart. I am very certain that this was related to me and what this group was doing. I need this persons name and this must be held accountable. I had been running around trying to save my life from this group for a year. They were doing this to try to injure me during a college enrollment. This is a 18 U.S. Code §245. Federally protected activities at a bare, bare minimum. I am not allowed to be targeted by this type of person. At Monterey there was a guy who had followed me repeatedly, made direct eye contact with me as I was in the water, distinctly stalking / following, pretending to fish, and at one point whistled directly at me. This was the same whistle as a neighbor who had repeatedly whistled into my bedroom window. This is the core 10-15, 20 people. They are all real people, as am I a real person. There are 331.9 Million People within the United States of America. There are 39.24 Million People within the state of California. There are 1,682,353 People living within Alameda County, this is the East Bay area in Northern California. There are 45,057 students at the University of California, Berkeley at any given point in time. There are about 2,703 faculties. I have highlighted about 15-20 people, these are the 15-20 people, they should not have cared about what I was doing with my life. It is likely that there are a few more who I not know, there was a guy with red hair who was repetitive, about 30 with red hair, I think that I had seen him a few different times, and maybe a few others. I need to have names, and I need to have arrests. I need to have accountability, and I need to be treated fairly for fair compensation. This has not been a fun college experience, and I do not have my degree. I am very focused and very motivated. I have put years of work into this already. This is from an alternative background with additional obstacles. I need to be done and moving on to graduate school. Dating and love stuff has also been involved. This has not been in fun and happy ways. I need to have this held accountable, treated fairly for justice, and for fair compensation for injury, contrast, and loss. This is absolutely fair and very mandatory for this type of treatment to any serious adult. Any person that is in politics, must still follow the same laws for injury and harassment as all other people. This is mandatory. This is a requirement for safe Democracy. I need to know who people are. Under no set of circumstances is this something to let go of, or at any point allowable.

This is an email:

My name is Benjamin, I had sent over a few other emails. I have been dealing with a concern here in a college area, and I am asking to have help from Public Citizen. Any references to the media would also be helpful. I was repeatedly attacked while attending one of the University of California system schools, this was a group of students and a handful of other people in the area. The motives for this have been largely prejudicial, involving significant physical injuries and pervasive harassment, and a group of people here working with a clear intent to deny education by injury at a public college system. Some of this has been very bad, with injuries to both the brain as well as to my reproductive area. This is with actual people doing this. I was invited to the University after the normal process of application, completing the IGETC and other prerequisite work, and already have multiple associate degrees from other college systems. I was not attacked at any of these. This area has a specific type of culture which has allowed this, and it does count and has been fully felt as hate. At no point in time is it acceptable to endure any form of injury, and certainly not like this. This is distinct attacks using something more expensive. A number of students were involved alongside a handful of other community members. I had been scheduled to attend from Fall 2020 through Spring 2023. I had done additional work to ensure success with this. Very methodical and very thorough. I was in the middle of the semester as this had originally escalated into injury. There was a lot of obsessive / pervasive behavior leading up to actual attack. A couple of previous housemates were involved as well as some of their friends, and again a handful of other community members as well. The police were allowing this to happen and have not been helpful. The attendance of my degree program is a necessary step for my career. This has been continually interrupted by violence. The University itself has not been helpful and I have not been worked with in the way that I need to. I need to have help with this. This should be very supportable. Please respond as soon as possible.

I have had to be very loud due to the continual threat to life. They put something together that works through a wall. They have been using this to cause brain damage. Brain damage is very bad. At no point in time can there ever be damage to your brain. They have been doing this as people to try to push me out of my college enrollment. I moved up here already having made life commitments to graduate school and beyond. I am very serious about this and very serious about my life. There are other injuries in more intimate areas as well. It is my understanding that they were doing this to remove "viability", this is their language, and their intent. This is physical injury to areas meant for love and reproduction, they have been doing this intentionally. I have submit emails to the Center for Victims of Torture, 1 in 6, and RAINN, among others, and this should also show the extent of this. I need everyone involved in this to spend a very long time in jail. I am an adult and some of this is very adult. Each participant needs to spend a very long time in jail and I need to have help with this. This should be very supportable. I am asking to have assistance, and I am asking to have an interview.

I am very invested in having this held fully accountable. I have endured repeated injuries to both my brain as an organ, and my testicles. There is zero tolerance for any of this. I think that they had fed me something and were using this to burn and cut away tissue. They were doing this and then there was something more energy based. I have been here for my degree program. Within the larger world this is already very illegal. This is much worse here and with the things that I have been working on. It is my college enrollment, and my bachelor's degree. This is a basic and necessary step in life, and necessary for any form of fulfilling career. I have been very invested in this and there are other things that I still need to do later. I am asking to have assistance. If the normal, local resources were more helpful I would not be reaching out to places like this. The way that they have been is not normal. I am asking to have help with this.

I have very bad injuries from this. I was attacked while attending the college. It has been very bad. I have been doing this by myself. I am asking to have help with this. This first started a few years ago, and has been a continual concern. The injuries themselves are not acceptable. I am asking to have help with this. I was followed when I went for treatment, followed when I went to the police, and followed when I went to seek help from an attorney. This happened repeatedly. I need to have help with this.

This is all default to support. Please support. Brown vs. Board of Education, other 50's stuff. Hold it accountable. I need to have money from all of this. I am an intelligent man, this was endured like a rape, and I need to have it held accountable. I need to have a lot of money from this.

This needs to be supported. I have strong goals in life, I need someone to go through all of this with me, find everyone, and to help me to claim as much as possible. I need to have money from this.
I suggest that you seek acute psychiatric care.
This is far, far beyond the resources of a message board. You are going to need to seek the assistance of an attorney in your state who is able to review all the details; a message board cannot help you.
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