Separated and want Divorce

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My wife has been gone for 4yrs. she left me and took my son with her. She has been openly been dating another married man. When she left she took all that she wanted. I want to know how to file, cost, and speed of delivery for my divorce. She does not plan to get a divorce and does not allow me to see my son. Only when she feels like it. What can I do?
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File for divorce and establish custody, visitation and child support. It's unlikely that, given Mom has been primary caregiver for four years, you will be able to get physical custody but at the very least you should request joint legal custody with ample visitation.

And get the visitation spelled out! For all of your sakes, don't do the "visitation as agreed to by both parties" thing - get it clarified :)

You can download forms here.
You should have filed a divorce a long time ago. It may be pricey if she wants to fight but if seeing your son is a priority then you will find some way to do it. Call an attorney and get it going. GOOD LUCK.
Go to court:


In my view if she has left you for 4 years .

Then it seems to be that now you are separated and now there is no relationship remain among you, its like that you are divorced now

So, now you can go to court to take steps against her.

And you can hire a good lawyer for this,he will suggest you the best.

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