Assault & Battery Seperate investigation?

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I am curious to know - is there a way of finding out if there is a "seperate" investigation going on against me?

I have been unfortunately accused of something so horrific and have been charged with and now is going to the court.

the same person apperently alleges that I have been hacking into their computer and sending their friends nasty emails etc... etc.... and supposidly the police said that they have evidence I have been hacking into their computer but they cannot discuss this with the accuser and that a seperate investigation is going on.

this is not true at all. But also, if it were then surely I would be aware of it? Such as.... letters, phone calls or police being at my door?

Thing is, their computer already had alot of trojans and viruses an so on that was already on there (not by me!) And has had alot of malicious stuff happen so how on earth can they say or allege that its all pointing to me - totally stupid!

Does anyone know how these things work and how I can find out if there is a "seperate" investigation going on?

I have nothing to hide at all, im just stressed and upset with everything else and on top of that, all of this. It's the same accuser that has put me in alot of trouble for something I did not do.
Just relax firehawk. You have enough going on. You can't find out if an investigation is going on unless they want you to know. Have your attorney call and inquire. Your attorney will take care of you.
thank-you JHarris once again. :)
well i would hope the solicitor can do something about that as all of this is ridiculous. from a suppossed common/sexual assault and then this on top.... hmm. makes no sense
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