Series 7 License and Drug Testing?

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I am just starting a career in the securities industry and I am going to be applying for my Series 7 license. My employer stated an FBI background check will be done when I apply to get my license. When asked about my criminal record, this is what I said:

1993 underage possession of alcohol
1995 possession of marijuana
1997 DUI (pleaded down to reckless operation of a motor vehicle, but got 1 year suspension of driver's license and 5 year SR22 requirement; hence the subsequent violations)
1997, 2000, 2001 Driving on suspended license

First of all, how possible is it that I my application for a Series 7 license will be denied, based on my criminal record? They were all misdemeanors.

My boss mentioned that I may be subject to a "spot drug test" by the NASD/SEC. Is this true? I don't smoke marijuana more than once or tweice a year now, but I was planning on a celebration joint (for getting the job) in a few weeks. Is what he said true? Will I be required to take a drug test by the SEC/NASD?

Your help is appreciated. Thanks!
Think about what you are saying. If you would like to smoke dope then don't work in a secure environment. This requires trust. Can your employer trust you? Obviously you feel that drug use and breaking other laws are OK. I do not think with your current history - WHITHOUT - personal vouchers from respected firm memebrs / clients you will not be hired. Do you think it is time to quit?
CJW said:
Think about what you are saying. If you would like to smoke dope then don't work in a secure environment. This requires trust. Can your employer trust you? Obviously you feel that drug use and breaking other laws are OK. I do not think with your current history - WHITHOUT - personal vouchers from respected firm memebrs / clients you will not be hired. Do you think it is time to quit?

I guarantee you work with cokeheads and alcoholics. I also guarantee you they will deny being one. I, on the other hand, am being open and honest. If anything, my honesty makes me LESS of a security risk. Also, you need to re-read the original post: I said I imbibe one or twice a year- not that I am smoking that stuff daily. And that's being generous.

One last point: The War on Drugs is a grossly ineffective undertaking. The drug laws in the US need to be reworked and acknowledge that the demand for drugs has and will exist. Truly moderate drug use, in and of itself, does not harm society or others. As a crude comparison, consider moderate alcohol consumption with moderate marijuana consumption. Also, don't forget that alchol intoxication is a leading cause of domestic violence, assaults, and automobile crash fatalities. Marijuana does not contribute to these problems anywhere near alcohol. This is getting off topic, but my point is this: Think of all the alcoholics you know that work in the industry and consider whether or not they represent a risk in a secure environment.

Thanks for the feedback!
I'm thinking more about how ridiculous it is that our country's government is engaged head on with the MLB on the war against steroids in professional baseball. Didn't the head of Balco that drug manufacturer get four MONTHS in jail? Such sentences do nothing except convince people that peddling steroids is worth it.

20kMBA said:
I guarantee you work with cokeheads and alcoholics. I also guarantee you they will deny being one. I, on the other hand, am being open and honest. If anything, my honesty makes me LESS of a security risk. Also, you need to re-read the original post: I said I imbibe one or twice a year- not that I am smoking that stuff daily. And that's being generous.

One last point: The War on Drugs is a grossly ineffective undertaking. The drug laws in the US need to be reworked and acknowledge that the demand for drugs has and will exist. Truly moderate drug use, in and of itself, does not harm society or others. As a crude comparison, consider moderate alcohol consumption with moderate marijuana consumption. Also, don't forget that alchol intoxication is a leading cause of domestic violence, assaults, and automobile crash fatalities. Marijuana does not contribute to these problems anywhere near alcohol. This is getting off topic, but my point is this: Think of all the alcoholics you know that work in the industry and consider whether or not they represent a risk in a secure environment.

Thanks for the feedback!
Your history shows that you have a pattern of behavior that is questionable and disruptive.

If you want to take drugs and drive drunk, then avoid getting a job that requires background checks and securities licensing.

Your opinions about why your past record should not count is up to your employer, not you.

Whether you smoke dope once or twice a year. or everyday again you continue to do it even though you have been convicted of possession, and driving on a suspended license.

your employer does not know if you smoke dope everyday or once a year, people rarely tell the truth on that and if you fail a random drug test, you probably will be fired. When hired you will likely be required to sign a form allowing a spot drug test.

I am not sure whether your misd. will prevent you from getting your license but if all that stuff shows up on your record, your employer does have every right not to hire you. Depending on how invasive of a background check they do misd. may not even show up.

Sure we all work with alcoholics and crackheads but they still might have clean records, and manage to slip through the cracks on getting hired and keeping their job.
Don't sweat it

When you apply for your series 7 license there is a questionnaire. It asks for convictions relating to theft, embezzelment etc and felonies. You will not even have to disclose your convictions.
When you apply for your series 7 license there is a questionnaire. It asks for convictions relating to theft, embezzelment etc and felonies. You will not even have to disclose your convictions.

Considering this original thread was posted five years ago, I'm sure the issue has been resolved by now.
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