Servers Back Online - No lost data!

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Michael Wechsler

Staff member
So some of you may have noticed a great deal of downtime yesterday and the inability to access the forum. Hard to believe but we had the backup disk AND our main super fast solid state disk start going bad including some hardware issues. Chances of this happening are infintessimally small. Fortunately we back up here frequently and also do offsite backups. We apologize for any inconvenience this may have caused.

Thanks to our superb host and partner Neosurge who take care of our dedicated and virtual private servers, we were able to ensure that all of our data remained 100% intact and the servers are back up and actually, optimized to be even much faster than they were before.

These guys went beyond the cause, running out to the local retailer to get some of the parts they didn't have that went out, replaced everything and did a full backup on our new 1TB backup drive. Many thanks to the guys at Neosurge for getting us up and running even more smoothly than before.

My direct bookmark led to a bad page and an error .. my link to the domain came up with the message about the move. These things happen. Glad that it is all back up now!

- Carl
Thanks Carl! Things should be much more productive now. Apparently a huge part of the reason why the forums and site were merely "pretty quick" was a result of the new equipment going south. Right now, even as we're optimizing things, we're seeing over a 200% increase in speed. It's rather incredible and we're pretty happy so far. :)
I was on the road for a week and missed the whole thing. Glad we're all back on board!
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