Sex Crimes, Sex Offenders Sex Offender Registry

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And also thank you "thelawprofessor" for verbalizing what I failed to do. And also, in all honesty, I was handling the visits too, because I realize things are what they are and I also don't want to diminish what sex crimes mean. But this last visit was 2 days before Father's Day with all my children present from in town and out of town, (including the victim of the sex crime). I was questioned about my passport, my possible usage of children's automobiles, questioned about computers on the premises, and if they could search my home. When I said, "No", I was admonished for not being immediately cooperative, but they didn't force the issue. I was originally looking for information to help me in deciding if I should retain a lawyer or not.
Once again I have to ask why is this an issue? If he is the perfect citizen he claims to be then the questions are not an issue. I understand you have turned your life around but until the law changes on what a registered sex offender must do then answer the questions unless the answers will incriminate you! Far as credentials go your dealing with volunteers not lawyers! If you seek actual legal advice make an appointment with a local Attorney familiar with your local laws and licensed to practice in your jurisdiction

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I did not make a claim of being a "perfect citizen." I am not even claiming that I don't deserve everything that has ever happened to me in my life. Almost everything bad that ever happened to me, was brought on by me and my bad decisions. But the one thing for sure that I claim: You are an idiot!!! (I mean the Oxford Dictionary's defining of the word, "Idiot".)
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