Sex Crimes, Sex Offenders Sexual Assault Accusations

That said, if what you say is accurate, you likely did not break any laws
I think it would serve you well to read the Oregon Criminal Code on First Degree Rape.Of the several elements listed that constitute the offense,not one of them mentions that the offender must be 18 or older to commit the crime involving a minor.
Now,it's true,this isn't "Statutory Rape,"but in fact,it's even more serious that that.Did the OP,commit a crime,most definitely.2015 Oregon Revised Statutes :: Volume : 04 - Criminal Procedure, Crimes :: Chapter 163 - Offenses Against Persons :: Section 163.375 - Rape in the first degree.
Now to the OP: Dude,really,What the hell were you thinking? Of all girls you could have been "involved" with,you choose to have sex with your step sister.Instead of legal advice,I suggest you seek some professional counseling,that's just disgusting.
This is a dead horse.... But since you decided to take another swing at it I'll just add once again that according to the information the OP provided no law was broken, including the one you cite.
This is a dead horse.... But since you decided to take another swing at it I'll just add once again that according to the information the OP provided no law was broken, including the one you cite.
WOW!.You know I do believe your right.If you read the same thing I did,including the Oregon Statute on First Degree Rape,and didn't comprehend it's meaning,it would be "beating a dead horse" to explain further,point taken.

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