Assault & Battery Sexual Assault? Knowingly transmitting a disease


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In 2018 I was drugged and raped. Following this I had std testing done at a clinic. Several months later (2019 now) a man I had been friends with online from South Carolina (a tattoo artist) flew up and moved to Alaska to help me start a new life post divorce. We discussed my rape, we disclosed that both of us were STD free. One month into our official relationship I became very sick. I thought I had razor rash. I had a fever, could barely move and eventually felt as if I was going to die. We went to a clinic. I had bumps that were so severe they couldn't say off the bat what it was. I additionally had cervicitis so bad I was septic. The doctor informed me it was a good thing I had come in when I did because otherwise the outcome could have been deadly. Lab results eventually came in, and it was herpes simplex 2. I was given antibiotics, ointments and herpes meds. The man I was with suddenly also got the bumps. He acted like it was no big deal. Took my meds. Said he forgave me for giving him herpes. I was so confused by what was going on I couldn't imagine that he already knew he had herpes and had intentionally lied to me and concealed that he had this disease.
Our relationship didn't last very long- he was abusive, violent, paranoid and incredibly mentally unstable. I wasn't allowed to see my friends without him. He required me to come to work with him at the tattoo shop in the valley. He chose to work 30 miles away from where we lived rather than at the shop just minutes away that he was told he could work at. He had me transport him daily. After he decided I was cheating on him with homeless people, female friends of mine, elderly clients of mine, friends who lived out of state (and becoming violent and destroying property during the accusations) he started threatening my life in front of my kids. He started becoming physically violent towards me, and after a minor assault I begged him to end the assault, threatening to call the police and when he started choking me with my phone in hand I called 911. Our relationship ended there. Unfortunately, I had conceived a child through him and was a few weeks pregnant at that point. The assault on me and likely the stress led to a threatened miscarriage. I believed I had miscarried. Many months down the line I discovered after continuing to have monthly "periods" that I was still pregnant. I was terrified of him. Uncertain of whether I should let him know I was still pregnant. My friends and family who had witnessed some of the threats and violence begged me not to tel him. But I felt such guilt that I could not live with myself without telling him about the pregnancy. At some point during this time I contacted his ex. I wanted to know exactly who I was dealing with. She had the exact same stories of violence, paranoia, cheating accusations, being cut off from friends and family by him. And then she mentioned herpes. He had given her herpes and had blamed her just as he did me. It was at that moment that I knew he had lied to me about his sexual health, had knowingly infected me, had pretended he did not know what was going on to the point that I could have died from the sepsis.

Eventually our daughter was born. I attempted to supervise visits with him (by having friends and family present) a few times but he never interacted with her and picked right up with his violence even in front of family and friends. He would threaten to bash my skull in. Bash my brains in. He would scream on my porch and terrify my children. I began recording these events with min phone camera. Finally after he called me on my phone and threatened to kill me and my kids heard I went to the court house and got a shirt term restraining order. This rolled over into the long term hearing where I presented texts, video and audio recordings and I was granted a long term restraining order against him.

I would like to know what i can do to pursue a suit in court against him for giving me herpes. It has absolutely destroyed my life. I have a weakened immune system and I get very sick and have outbreaks every month during my period. I would like to bring up a suit on knowingly giving me herpes. I have read that this can be pursued. But I do not know where to even begin. Regarding this particular man, I additionally have other legal queries due to him not having established paternity, not having pursued a relationship with our daughter, and not having paid any child support or help for our daughter in spite of him knowing I'm a single mom of six kids who lives well below poverty level. I will be asking further advice in different legal areas on these matters. Any insight would be extremely helpful.
In 2018 I was drugged and raped. Following this I had std testing done at a clinic. Several months later (2019 now) a man I had been friends with online from South Carolina (a tattoo artist) flew up and moved to Alaska to help me start a new life post divorce. We discussed my rape, we disclosed that both of us were STD free. One month into our official relationship I became very sick. I thought I had razor rash. I had a fever, could barely move and eventually felt as if I was going to die. We went to a clinic. I had bumps that were so severe they couldn't say off the bat what it was. I additionally had cervicitis so bad I was septic. The doctor informed me it was a good thing I had come in when I did because otherwise the outcome could have been deadly. Lab results eventually came in, and it was herpes simplex 2. I was given antibiotics, ointments and herpes meds. The man I was with suddenly also got the bumps. He acted like it was no big deal. Took my meds. Said he forgave me for giving him herpes. I was so confused by what was going on I couldn't imagine that he already knew he had herpes and had intentionally lied to me and concealed that he had this disease.
Our relationship didn't last very long- he was abusive, violent, paranoid and incredibly mentally unstable. I wasn't allowed to see my friends without him. He required me to come to work with him at the tattoo shop in the valley. He chose to work 30 miles away from where we lived rather than at the shop just minutes away that he was told he could work at. He had me transport him daily. After he decided I was cheating on him with homeless people, female friends of mine, elderly clients of mine, friends who lived out of state (and becoming violent and destroying property during the accusations) he started threatening my life in front of my kids. He started becoming physically violent towards me, and after a minor assault I begged him to end the assault, threatening to call the police and when he started choking me with my phone in hand I called 911. Our relationship ended there. Unfortunately, I had conceived a child through him and was a few weeks pregnant at that point. The assault on me and likely the stress led to a threatened miscarriage. I believed I had miscarried. Many months down the line I discovered after continuing to have monthly "periods" that I was still pregnant. I was terrified of him. Uncertain of whether I should let him know I was still pregnant. My friends and family who had witnessed some of the threats and violence begged me not to tel him. But I felt such guilt that I could not live with myself without telling him about the pregnancy. At some point during this time I contacted his ex. I wanted to know exactly who I was dealing with. She had the exact same stories of violence, paranoia, cheating accusations, being cut off from friends and family by him. And then she mentioned herpes. He had given her herpes and had blamed her just as he did me. It was at that moment that I knew he had lied to me about his sexual health, had knowingly infected me, had pretended he did not know what was going on to the point that I could have died from the sepsis.

Eventually our daughter was born. I attempted to supervise visits with him (by having friends and family present) a few times but he never interacted with her and picked right up with his violence even in front of family and friends. He would threaten to bash my skull in. Bash my brains in. He would scream on my porch and terrify my children. I began recording these events with min phone camera. Finally after he called me on my phone and threatened to kill me and my kids heard I went to the court house and got a shirt term restraining order. This rolled over into the long term hearing where I presented texts, video and audio recordings and I was granted a long term restraining order against him.

I would like to know what i can do to pursue a suit in court against him for giving me herpes. It has absolutely destroyed my life. I have a weakened immune system and I get very sick and have outbreaks every month during my period. I would like to bring up a suit on knowingly giving me herpes. I have read that this can be pursued. But I do not know where to even begin. Regarding this particular man, I additionally have other legal queries due to him not having established paternity, not having pursued a relationship with our daughter, and not having paid any child support or help for our daughter in spite of him knowing I'm a single mom of six kids who lives well below poverty level. I will be asking further advice in different legal areas on these matters. Any insight would be extremely helpful.
I suggest you take all your evidence that HE was the one to infect you to a personal injury attorney. The attorney will tell you if you have a winnable suit.

If he is not contributing to the support of your (mutual) child, file for Child Support.

In the future think twice before bringing random guys you meet on line into you and your children's lives.
I suggest you take all your evidence that HE was the one to infect you to a personal injury attorney. The attorney will tell you if you have a winnable suit.

If he is not contributing to the support of your (mutual) child, file for Child Support.

In the future think twice before bringing random guys you meet on line into you and your children's lives.

Personal Injury Attorney- thank you. Wasn't even sure where to start. I qualify for free legal services so that is most likely doable. I do feel this situation would be best handled with a lawyer. But should that not work out- ie the legal services not accepting my case do to my ex and my alternate locations from where this occurred, is there a particular filing I could also do on my own?

I am looking into filing for support. One of the death threats from him was because he knew I just wanted money for our child so I have not sought it yet.

And yes. I will throw it out there- I am a complete idiot for allowing myself to accept this unknown man into my life. It was a huge failure and terrible decision on my part. I love my child more than the world, but his part in my life has left me feeling regret and anger in myself like I have never before experienced.
is there a particular filing I could also do on my own?

There is small claims court.

Unfortunately the infected critter is most likely a deadbeat.
No one can squeeze blood from a rock, and deadbeats are always flat broke.

I find my assets to be worth far more than any momentary sexual gratification.

I hope you get this sorted, but if the walking STD's pockets are filled with cobwebs, lint, and dust; don't expect IT to ever pay you one, thin, dime.
In 2018 I was drugged and raped. Following this I had std testing done at a clinic. Several months later (2019 now) a man I had been friends with online from South Carolina (a tattoo artist) flew up and moved to Alaska to help me start a new life post divorce. We discussed my rape, we disclosed that both of us were STD free. One month into our official relationship I became very sick. I thought I had razor rash. I had a fever, could barely move and eventually felt as if I was going to die. We went to a clinic. I had bumps that were so severe they couldn't say off the bat what it was. I additionally had cervicitis so bad I was septic. The doctor informed me it was a good thing I had come in when I did because otherwise the outcome could have been deadly. Lab results eventually came in, and it was herpes simplex 2. I was given antibiotics, ointments and herpes meds. The man I was with suddenly also got the bumps. He acted like it was no big deal. Took my meds. Said he forgave me for giving him herpes. I was so confused by what was going on I couldn't imagine that he already knew he had herpes and had intentionally lied to me and concealed that he had this disease.
Our relationship didn't last very long- he was abusive, violent, paranoid and incredibly mentally unstable. I wasn't allowed to see my friends without him. He required me to come to work with him at the tattoo shop in the valley. He chose to work 30 miles away from where we lived rather than at the shop just minutes away that he was told he could work at. He had me transport him daily. After he decided I was cheating on him with homeless people, female friends of mine, elderly clients of mine, friends who lived out of state (and becoming violent and destroying property during the accusations) he started threatening my life in front of my kids. He started becoming physically violent towards me, and after a minor assault I begged him to end the assault, threatening to call the police and when he started choking me with my phone in hand I called 911. Our relationship ended there. Unfortunately, I had conceived a child through him and was a few weeks pregnant at that point. The assault on me and likely the stress led to a threatened miscarriage. I believed I had miscarried. Many months down the line I discovered after continuing to have monthly "periods" that I was still pregnant. I was terrified of him. Uncertain of whether I should let him know I was still pregnant. My friends and family who had witnessed some of the threats and violence begged me not to tel him. But I felt such guilt that I could not live with myself without telling him about the pregnancy. At some point during this time I contacted his ex. I wanted to know exactly who I was dealing with. She had the exact same stories of violence, paranoia, cheating accusations, being cut off from friends and family by him. And then she mentioned herpes. He had given her herpes and had blamed her just as he did me. It was at that moment that I knew he had lied to me about his sexual health, had knowingly infected me, had pretended he did not know what was going on to the point that I could have died from the sepsis.

Eventually our daughter was born. I attempted to supervise visits with him (by having friends and family present) a few times but he never interacted with her and picked right up with his violence even in front of family and friends. He would threaten to bash my skull in. Bash my brains in. He would scream on my porch and terrify my children. I began recording these events with min phone camera. Finally after he called me on my phone and threatened to kill me and my kids heard I went to the court house and got a shirt term restraining order. This rolled over into the long term hearing where I presented texts, video and audio recordings and I was granted a long term restraining order against him.

I would like to know what i can do to pursue a suit in court against him for giving me herpes. It has absolutely destroyed my life. I have a weakened immune system and I get very sick and have outbreaks every month during my period. I would like to bring up a suit on knowingly giving me herpes. I have read that this can be pursued. But I do not know where to even begin. Regarding this particular man, I additionally have other legal queries due to him not having established paternity, not having pursued a relationship with our daughter, and not having paid any child support or help for our daughter in spite of him knowing I'm a single mom of six kids who lives well below poverty level. I will be asking further advice in different legal areas on these matters. Any insight would be extremely helpful.

I wouldn't even bother with filing for child support because I'm going to guess it's unlikely you get it. If there's no custody order in place, he's never established paternity, I'd just cut contact with him at this point and never let him around the child again. That's just my opinion.

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