sexual harassment at work

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While at work an employee was starring at me in a sexual manor and made me uncomfortable. He then began making sexual jokes and using inappropriate hand gestures. I was scared because we were alone. I told my manager and she said she couldn't do anything about it because it was my word against his yet there are cameras to prove the actions did occur. What should I do?
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How many employees does your employer have? If 15 or more, you can file a complaint with the federal EEOC. You can file a complaint with the Ky. Human Rights Commission if your employer has at least 8 employees.

If he knows you reported it to your mgr., it may stop. If it continues, definitely report it/file a complaint.
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Is there a higher level manager or HR Department you can report the incident to? Start there. Document what happened, where, when, what the other employee's response was when you told him to stop and what happened after that point. It is unfortunately often the case that front line supervisors are not well versed or trained in how to investigate and handle harassment complaints. While that doesn't excuse your manager from throwing up her hands and ignoring it, getting results may require taking your complaint to someone who has that expertise.
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