Sexual Harrasment

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Hey Everyone. I am knew to this forum. I've been trying to do some research. To prove my case.

I am involved Emergency Medical Services. And I have been working at firehouse where there is alot of males. However over period of time I was being sexually harrassed by one of the fire fighters I worked with..

It all started back in 2000 where this male would rub his crotch area up against my buttox and make sexual comments at me or physical grob areas that I didnt' want touched.. I've have always told him NO.. Well I left the fireouse in 2001 due to unrelated incident. Well I went back to the firehouse in december 2004 I thought he wouldn't bother me anymore. Well he started where he left off still making the comments and touching and rubbing areas with crotch area up against mine,I was afraid to say anything becaus I just came back and I needed to work a 2nd job in order to support myself. I have kept Silent about these incidents. However I told my ex-husband before we got married. I 2 of my friends. And I also told 2 people one was paramedic that worked for the same company like me and the other one was cop. the police officer wanted to go talk to him I told him no because I was afraid of retaltion against me and my family ,my family is also involved in the fire deptartment.

Well on July 1st this male was on duty and so was on. I was in our office and I was standig up and he came up from behind me grabbed my breasts and squeezed them to where it physically hurt me. I told him NO and STOP and he was hurting me. He then took his hands and put them on my butt telling me how he wants to have A** sex with me. I told him to no and to stop again. He then put this arms around my waist and forced me to sit on his lap and rubbed his crotch area against me and he did feel he had an erection and he was kissing the back of my neck. I told him to STOP before someone walks in. He let me go before he left the room he told me we can go back to my apartment and have sex and he would never tell anyone. Well I then had ambulance call I was very upset but I had to keep my cool.. Well soon as we got back from the call. I told the other fireman he was working with what had happened he said that he would call the supervisor.. Well he never did...So I called my friend from the police I told him what had happened he said that is cosidered sexual assault/Indecent assault... So they put this person on admin leave with pay. THe one girl I worked with told me that he had done something similar to her he hugged her and touched her breasts. however she said if asked by the police she would deny.. Well she did lie to the police. I met with the DA's office yestarday they told me they dont' have enough evidence to arrest him. I ask them if they could try to get possibly DNA off my shirt and they said they won't do that.

So now what do I do. I have to see my attorney on Monday. My work place really did not have a good sexual harrasment police as in a specific contact or procedure to follow. they had no training on it either..

I am very angry that basically that I have no evidence its he said she said and. I am telling the truth and this man is going to get away with what he did to me..

So I dont' want to continue to work their if they allow him back...Plus this guy was promoted to be supervisor May 16th.

Does anyone have any suggestions for me?
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