Sexual herassment

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I work at a satellite construction office. About 2 months ago a sub-contractor stated saying inappropriate sexual comments to me. I didn't respond to him thinking that he would stop if I didn't. The final straw was when he asked me to go out to his car to look at a new DVD player he had just gotten and there was an adult movie playing. I told him that was not right to do that to me and came back inside the office. I told my boss the flowing day and he was let go from our office. Now the owners of the company want to give him his job back. The contractor has been talking poorly about me and discrediting my work performance to not only the owners of the company but to other contractors I work closely with. What are my rights?
The owner is free to rehire this company and you are free to file SH compliants in problem persists. Your real problem here was knowing this persons behavior yet still going out to car with him. You might also look up your states description of sexual harassment so you know where you stand.
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