sharing personal information officer to officer

North Carolina
A sheriff in Union county, NC "randomly" pulls a black Honda over ironically only approximately 1 block from the individuals home address. Officer States that the tags have been expired for 4 months. Driver responded it was her boyfriend's vehicle and was not aware. The driver had the 9 1/2 year old son of her bf(boyfriend) with her in the front seat and In seatbelt. She also didn't have a driver's license or identification on her. The sheriff took the registration and insurance back to his vehicle to run the information he obtained. Upon return driver was on phone with her bf discussing the situation. Officer returns stressing he cannot find information on her in nys where she was from. He asked the bf via phone what his gf full name was. Confirmed the spelling etc and again went to his vehicle. After only approximately 1 minute returned with two tickets, one for expiration the other no valid license/ID, explained fixing the situation and court date and released her to leave. Driver returns home approx 1/2 hour later bf teenage son arrives back stating someone (his mother who is also NC public officer ) asking about the gf as she claims knew nothing about)) as the teen is all questionable about the situation and who was with her in the car... The ex wife/cop started threatening the drivers BF staying that the sheriff who pulled over the driver called her to inform her that the car she is still a secondary reregistered person on (her ex's car) was " driving around illegally with their 9 years old son in the front seat, unsecured, was a meth head giving falsified name and information" the ex wife also claims that she immediately researched face book, and other records to find her "real name" threatened to not return kids from their visit and so in and so forth... What if any technicals are there for officers to be calling from on duty to an off duty officer at homer regarding the personal content or alleged information on a driver that is completely false and judgement and that's and actions are quoted in text that the ex wife is saying the other officer have her a courtesy call from the site if the traffic infraction with false info, or the ex wife is lying about what the other cop supposedly told her regarding the driver? Is the on duty officer obligated to call the secondary registrant to make such statements and/accusations? More questions to ask but please someone give me some insight and information if possible about this? Seriously a relationship, family and freedom depend on the next few steps taken. Thanks
A sheriff in Union county, NC "randomly" pulls a black Honda over ironically only approximately 1 block from the individuals home address. Officer States that the tags have been expired for 4 months. Driver responded it was her boyfriend's vehicle and was not aware. The driver had the 9 1/2 year old son of her bf(boyfriend) with her in the front seat and In seatbelt. She also didn't have a driver's license or identification on her. The sheriff took the registration and insurance back to his vehicle to run the information he obtained. Upon return driver was on phone with her bf discussing the situation. Officer returns stressing he cannot find information on her in nys where she was from. He asked the bf via phone what his gf full name was. Confirmed the spelling etc and again went to his vehicle. After only approximately 1 minute returned with two tickets, one for expiration the other no valid license/ID, explained fixing the situation and court date and released her to leave. Driver returns home approx 1/2 hour later bf teenage son arrives back stating someone (his mother who is also NC public officer ) asking about the gf as she claims knew nothing about)) as the teen is all questionable about the situation and who was with her in the car... The ex wife/cop started threatening the drivers BF staying that the sheriff who pulled over the driver called her to inform her that the car she is still a secondary reregistered person on (her ex's car) was " driving around illegally with their 9 years old son in the front seat, unsecured, was a meth head giving falsified name and information" the ex wife also claims that she immediately researched face book, and other records to find her "real name" threatened to not return kids from their visit and so in and so forth... What if any technicals are there for officers to be calling from on duty to an off duty officer at homer regarding the personal content or alleged information on a driver that is completely false and judgement and that's and actions are quoted in text that the ex wife is saying the other officer have her a courtesy call from the site if the traffic infraction with false info, or the ex wife is lying about what the other cop supposedly told her regarding the driver? Is the on duty officer obligated to call the secondary registrant to make such statements and/accusations? More questions to ask but please someone give me some insight and information if possible about this? Seriously a relationship, family and freedom depend on the next few steps taken. Thanks
Who are you in this situation?
What if any technicals are there for officers to be calling from on duty to an off duty officer at homer regarding the personal content or alleged information on a driver that is completely false and judgement and that's and actions are quoted in text that the ex wife is saying the other officer have her a courtesy call from the site if the traffic infraction with false info, or the ex wife is lying about what the other cop supposedly told her regarding the driver?

The individual who was stopped the Deputy should focus on her situation.

The traffic violator should concentrate on what other events might come down on her "fella" because of her foolish decision to operate a motor vehicle on the public roadways KNOWING she possessed no valid drivers license with a nine year old child sitting on the front seat.

According to North Carolina law, children under the age of 5, weighing less than 40 pounds must be in the back seat in vehicles with active passenger-side front airbags.

The state's traffic experts recommend keeping kiddies in the back seat until they are 12 or 13 years old.

I suspect IF the unlicensed driver's "fella's" insurance carrier learns of this incident, insurance rates might increase, or worse.

More questions to ask but please someone give me some insight and information if possible about this? Seriously a relationship, family and freedom depend on the next few steps taken.

The alleged traffic violator should speak with an attorney ASAP.

These citations alone can cause one party financial pain, heck the vehicle's owner(s) might also receive some distressing financial news, too.

If a person doesn't have a permit to carry a pistol concealed, the person shouldn't venture out with the pistol concealed on her/his person.

If a person has no valid drivers license, the person shouldn't operate a motor vehicle upon the public roadways.

It is never wise to violate any law(s) while minding or watching minors.
Seriously a relationship, family and freedom depend on the next few steps taken.

Seriously, you're a little over the top there. Nobody's going to jail. The owner of the car can get the car registered and the driver can bring that to court. The driver can get her driver's license situation straightened out and take the document to court. Her penalties are nobody's fault but her own.

As for relationship and family, whatever is going on between the BF and the BF's hostile ex-wife is between the BF and his hostile ex-wife.

As for the on and off duty officers, they did absolutely nothing wrong by trying to identify the driver and investigate the infractions.

Any fallout upon the driver and the BF is their own fault.
What if any technicals are there for officers to be calling from on duty to an off duty officer at homer regarding the personal content or alleged information on a driver that is completely false and judgement and that's and actions are quoted in text that the ex wife is saying the other officer have her a courtesy call from the site if the traffic infraction with false info, or the ex wife is lying about what the other cop supposedly told her regarding the driver?

That's one heck of a run on sentence. However, there is no law that prohibits the officer from disclosing to the other owner of the car (whether that owner is an officer or not) that the car was involved in a stop, wasn't properly registered, etc. However, if the cop defames the driver of the car the driver may have an action against the cop for that defamation. Defamation is the communication of a false fact about you to another person that injures your reputation. Communication of true facts or statements that are purely opinion are not defamatory.

Is the on duty officer obligated to call the secondary registrant to make such statements and/accusations?

No, the officer is not required to call the other registered owner. But no law prohibits the officer from making that call.

The driver really needs to be sure she has a current license before driving any car. And any time she borrows a car belonging to someone else she needs to verify that (1) the car has current registration and (2) that the car has proper insurance. It is the driver of the car, even if not an owner of the car, that gets hit with the penalties when there is no current registration or insurance.

Seriously a relationship, family and freedom depend on the next few steps taken. Thanks

That seems a bit overly dramatic given what happened. So the ex got a bit ticked off. There's not a whole lot she can do about it and it's best for the girlfriend of the father to simply stay out of the issues between her boyfriend and the mother. The boyfriend would do well to just ignore any ranting by the ex and focus on what is best for his child.

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