Shoplifting, Larceny, Robbery, Theft Shop lifting at Walmart

Your friend is most likely lying to you,even about going to court.What it looks like to me,with the pic you provided,is that,he was released on his OR(promise to appear in court without bond,) and given his court date of Feb,26th.It is most unlikely ,he would have been given just time served,for shoplifting,after just one day in jail,as that would make no sense.
also,that pic,looks like,his release papers he signed when he got out of jail,with his court date.

That's what I'm saying. It's not possible he just served 1 day and got out. I believe he was ored out as well. Oh he went to Walmart & got arrested. His name appeared on & the jail line. I think the judge just forgot to tell him he had a court date or he's lying.
Your friend is most likely lying to you,even about going to court.What it looks like to me,with the pic you provided,is that,he was released on his OR(promise to appear in court without bond,) and given his court date of Feb,26th.It is most unlikely ,he would have been given just time served,for shoplifting,after just one day in jail,as that would make no sense.
also,that pic,looks like,his release papers he signed when he got out of jail,with his court date.

I forgot to mention he did have a $500 bond at first. They might of wiped that.
You need to have a discussion with this man. You also need to decide if you even want involved and lets include being involved with him. If hes lieing thats an issue. If it snot first time or you dont trust him that too is an issue. Here you may seek and find advice on these relationship issues.
Before making that decision look at videos and links I provided! I deal with this daily. If you wait for the so called "force of law" this fine will triple or more

They let him out. When I called the jail line at first it stated he had a felony at first. $500 bond. See he had a carrying bag on him. Like the Walmart shopping bag but not Walmart off brand like Safeway ect. I think that's y they brought the charge up to a mistermeanor 1
Before making that decision look at videos and links I provided! I deal with this daily. If you wait for the so called "force of law" this fine will triple or more
Shrinkmaster: As you know,we have all had this debate before,and nothing has changed on this issue.Laws have been passed that allow Merchants to send out these demand letters,which in my opinion is no more that "legal extortion,"but these laws,do not grant any sort of legal judgment in favoring of the Merchants,for non compliance to their "demands." For that,the Merchant has to file suit in court,but that as you know,so rarely ever happens,and in fact,it's so counter productive because of the time spent in pursuing such legal action especially when in most cases the merchandise is recovered,and just not worth the time,and expense trying to collect a judgement.A judgement,by the way,that probably will never be paid,because,the defendant is most likely,"judgement proof,"having no assets of value from which a judgement could be "legally" collected.This of course,is another very good reason for the Merchant,not to even waste their time with filing suit.
I will admit though,you are "relentless" in your efforts to spread this bs,every time someone post's on a shoplifting charge,and people ignorant of the law would get scared,til they know the truth.
You may call it what you wish. Its legal and not paying can carry consequences. One could say theft is legal until caught same difference. If one waits for judgement then they can expect to pay triple or more. I deal with this daily!
Before making that decision look at videos and links I provided! I deal with this daily. If you wait for the so called "force of law" this fine will triple or more

It won't make a difference at this point. Paying a civil demand without a court order would be idiotic.
Had he not been arrested and hoped to avoid prosecution then there would be reason.
You may call it what you wish. Its legal and not paying can carry consequences. One could say theft is legal until caught same difference. If one waits for judgement then they can expect to pay triple or more. I deal with this daily!

No. Failure to pay a civil demand is not a crime. There is no legal penalty for not paying.

Theft is a crime. You are comparing apples to oranges.

If one waits for judgment it is most likely the judgment will never come, and their money stays in their pocket.
The OP here simply needs to contact the court clerk and ask about the case status. If anyone is due in court that information is easily discovered.
Just call the court. Problem solved.
Sometimes there is strategic advantage to paying the demand. Somewhat of an insurance.
In the vast majority of cases paying a civil demand is just foolish.
I've asked numerous people including 4 of my friends in Arizona plus the message boards. Most have said he needs to show up for court. A few have said call the city clerk. 1 or 2 on the message boards state he don't need to go & 1 court date is enough.

I do know In Arizona a mistermeanor 1 carries 2500 fines, 3 years probation & 6 months in jail that's max. Does anyone know what he may be facing in court when he goes Feb 26th? This is his first charge in Arizona. Now back in Minnesota he did get check fraud of $300. It was a mistermeanor something don't 100% remember. He was on probation when he moved to Arizona. Hopefully they don't count this against him in court. This happened like 15 years ago in Minnesota. Thank u everyone to take your time out for helping me today.
Based on the info you have given he should not expect anything close to the maximum.
This is among the pettiest of petty crimes.

All anyone can do is guess about whether he has another court date. The court clerk will know.
Yes like this person waited

Civil Recovery

I beg to differ shrinkmaster,

I am not 30 years old, but when I was still a stupid kid at age 19 I had been caught stealing from a supercenter that I will not name.

Anyways, after going to court and getting all of that stuff taken care of my attorney had advised me that I would receive this civil demand letter in the mail. He explained it would be for the amount of $500.00. He then instructed me that the only thing that MAY be affected if I did not pay would be the possibility that it could affect my credit.

He went on to say that these stores send out this demand letter in hopes that the person who got caught will just pay and move on out of the same type of fear being generated by you on this forum.

The truth of it though is that if you don't pay the civil demand of $500 it costs these companies more money to take the issue before the courts then to drop it...

... what do you know word for word that is exactly how it panned out.

You have already admitted Shrinkmaster that you have a financial incentive to put out this misinformation being that your career is only impacted in a positive way if you can get as many people as possible to think there will be consequences to not paying for the civil demands made by these stores. No matter how unwarranted or overpriced they may be.

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